DSC180 Final Project - Blockchain Property platform
Add private key of the wallet for backend dev and Etherscan API key to .env.example
in the root directory. Once finish, rename it to .env
Add pinata JWT to .env.example
in the frontend
directory. Also rename to .env
The first things you need to do is installing its dependencies
npm install
Once installed, on a new terminal, go to the repository's root folder and run this to deploy your contract:
npx hardhat run scripts/deployProxy.ts --network localhost
Use the implementation address from output:
npx hardhat verify <implementation-address>
Finally, we can run the frontend with:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173/ to see your Dapp. You will need to have Coinbase Wallet or Metamask installed and listening to localhost 8545
Documentation to access github from remix
- Go to plugins on the bottom left of the remix sidebar and install DGIT
- Generate a Personal access token on github - https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=gist,repo&description=Remix%20IDE%20Token
- Enter "github credentials" on the settings tab on remix
- Go to version control and clone the repo
- Under COMMANDS, enter main as LOCAL BRANCH and origin as REMOTE BRANCH and click on "init"
- Under "GIT REMOTE", enter "origin" and the URL and "add remote"
- After working on the files, under "source control", stage the files and "git commit"
- Go to "CLONE, PUSH, PULL & REMOTES" and push