An easy way to store and listen to your music
Download the backend and the frontend then follow these steps:
Just grab everything in the frontend folder and throw it in your server
Configure your webserver to have your website ready and the backend on /api/ Example (replace "/home/web/example" and ""):
server {
root /home/web/example;
index index.php;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location /api/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.3-fpm.sock;
location ~ (/(vendor|node_module)/|\.json$) {
deny all;
If you use docker you need to add the following
Move the content of backend in a folder
You'll then need to create a link between the data folder in your web folder, to the folder that will contains data in your backend (default is backend/data/website) (Example with Nginx)
location /data/ {
alias /home/backend/example/data/;
Run docker compose up -d
Throw your backend somewhere and create a systemctl file to keep it running:
Description=Euphonia backend
ExecStart=dotnet [Path to backend]/Euphonia.API.dll
WorkingDirectory=[Path to backend]
Then you will need to download the following and place them in your path:
- yt-dlp (YouTube only)
- ffmpeg (YouTube only)
- ffmpeg-normalize
Once this is done, go to [your website]/tools.php and enter your password, then write the value returned in data/credentials.json
With docker, update the files and run docker compose build --no-cache
then run docker compose up -d
Login as an admin using the hamburger menu at the top left of the website
Once his is done, a new button will appear at the top left, click on it and fill the form with your music info
TODO: Explain chrome extension
You can change some metadata of your website in web/data/metadata.json
You can also change its style on web/css/customize.cs