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XvayS edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 1 revision




MySQL and MariaDB (an opensource fork of MySQL) are powerful, server based database managers which support very large databases and high concurrency. libdb uses opensource MariaDB library to connect MySQL and MariaDB databases seemlessly. When shipping your script, you will need to add libmariadb.dll (Windows) and (Linux) to your package.

There is no additional driver to install, all is ready to connect a MySQL or MariaDB server. For more information about MariaDB:

After calling DB_UseMySQL(), a MySQL or MariaDB database has to be connected using DB_Open() before using any other database functions. MySQL specific parameters have to be passed in the DatabaseName parameter of DB_Open():

  • host - Name of host or IP address to connect to.
  • port - Port number to connect to at the server host.
  • dbname - The database name.

If you are running MySQL/MariaDB server on the same machine as soldatserver, you would like to use a socket connection instead of a TCP. To do so you should specify host=localhost in the DatabaseName parameter and make sure there is a socket path configured in the my.cnf file (usually in /etc/mysql/):




See also DB_UseMySQL().



ODBC is a standard application programming interface (API) for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of database systems and operating systems.

After calling DB_UseODBC(), a database has to be opened using DB_Open() with a registered ODBC database name as DatabaseName before using any other database functions.

It is possible to obtain a list of available ODBC drivers by calling the function DB_ExamineDrivers().


See also DB_UseODBC().



PostgreSQL is a powerful, server based database manager which support very large databases and high concurrency. It is free to use in commercial projects. There is no additional driver to install, all is ready to connect a PostgreSQL server. For more information about PostgreSQL:

After calling DB_UsePostgreSQL(), a PostgreSQL database has to be connected using DB_Open() before using any other database functions. PostgresSQL specific parameters can be passed in the DatabaseName parameter of DB_Open():

  • host - Name of host to connect to.

  • hostaddr - Numeric IP address of host to connect to.

  • port - Port number to connect to at the server host.

  • dbname - The database name. Defaults to be the same as the user name.

  • connect_timeout - Maximum wait for connection, in seconds (write as a decimal integer string).

    Zero or not specified means wait indefinitely. It is not recommended to use a timeout of less than 2 seconds.


See also DB_UsePostgreSQL().



SQLite is a file based, serverless database manager. There is no driver or additional files to install, all is ready to use. SQLite is widely spread accross the industry and is considered to be one of the best embedded database manager available. For more information about SQLite:

To create a new empty database, create an empty file first. Database commands can now be used to create tables and add records.

After calling DB_UseSQLite(), a SQLite database has to be opened using DB_Open() before using any other database functions.


See also DB_UseSQLite().



Function DB_AffectedRows(DatabaseID: LongInt): LongInt;


Returns the number of rows affected by the last DB_Update() operation.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

Returns the number of the affected rows.


Function DB_CheckNull(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): Boolean;


Checks if the content of the specified database column is null. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns True is the data is null, False otherwise.


Procedure DB_Close(DatabaseID: LongInt);


Close the specified DatabaseID (and connections/transactions if any). No further operations are allowed on this database.

All remaining opened databases are automatically closed when the program ends.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to close.


Function DB_ColumnIndex(DatabaseID: LongInt; ColumnName: WideString): Word;


Returns the index of the column after executing a query with DB_Query() in the opened DatabaseID. This can be useful for use with commands like DB_GetLong() which require a column index.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to close.
  • ColumnName - Specifies the name of the column to get the index of.

Return value

Returns the index of the specified column. This is only valid after having executed a query with DB_Query().


Function DB_ColumnName(DatabaseID, Column: Integer): PChar;

Description Return the name of the specified column in the DatabaseID.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use.

Return value

Returns the name of the column.


Function DB_Columns(DatabaseID: LongInt): Word;


Returns the numbers of columns (fields) in the opened DatabaseID.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

Returns the number of columns in the database.


Function DB_ColumnSize(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): LongInt;


Return the size of the specified column in the DatabaseID. It is especially useful when the size of the column can change depending of the records, like a string column.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use.

Return value

Returns the size of the column in bytes.


Function DB_ColumnType(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): TDatabaseColumnType;


Return the type of the specified column in the DatabaseID.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use.

Return value

Returns the type of the given column.

Type values can be:

  • DB_Type_Undefined - The type is undefined or the function has failed (e.g. it was not possible to determine the data type)
  • DB_Type_Long - Numeric format (a LongInt in Pascal)
  • DB_Type_String - String format (a PChar in Pascal)
  • DB_Type_Float - Numeric float format (a Single in Pascal)
  • DB_Type_Double - Numeric double format (a Double in Pascal)
  • DB_Type_Quad - Numeric quad format (an Int64 in Pascal)


Function DB_DriverDescription(): PChar;


Returns the description of the current database driver. Drivers are listed using the DB_ExamineDrivers() and DB_NextDriver() functions.

Return value

Returns the description string.


This is an ODBC database specific command.


Function DB_DriverName(): PChar;


Return the name of the current database driver. Drivers are listed using the DB_ExamineDrivers() and DB_NextDriver() functions.

Return value

Returns the name of the driver.


This is an ODBC database specific command.


Function DB_Error(): PChar;


Returns a description of the last database error in text format. This is especially useful with the following functions: DB_Open(), DB_Query() and DB_Update().

Return value

Returns the error description.


// Get all the records in the 'players' table
If DB_Query(0, 'SELECT * FROM players') Then Begin
    // ...
End Else
    WriteLn('Error: Can`t execute the query: ' + DB_Error);


Function DB_ExamineDrivers(): Boolean;


Examines the database drivers available on the system.

Return value

If ODBC isn't installed or no drivers are available, it returns False, otherwise DB_NextDriver() can be used to list all the drivers.


This is an ODBC database specific command.


If DB_ExamineDrivers Then Begin
  WriteLn('List of ODBC drivers installed:');
  While DB_NextDriver Do
    WriteLn('Name: ' + DB_DriverName + '; Description: ' + DB_DriverDescription);
End Else
  WriteLn('No ODBC drivers installed!');


Procedure DB_FinishQuery(DatabaseID: LongInt);


Finish the current database SQL query and release its associated resources. Query related functions like DB_FirstRow() or DB_NextRow() can't be used anymore.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.


// Get all the records in the 'players' table
If DB_Query(0, 'SELECT * FROM players') Then Begin
  While DB_NextRow(0) Do // Loop for each record
    WriteLn(DB_GetString(0, 0)); // Display the content of the first column


Function DB_FirstRow(DatabaseID: LongInt): Boolean;


Retrieves information about the first DatabaseID row. The DB_QueryX() with a DB_Cursor_Dynamic has to be used instead of DB_Query() to have this command working.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

Returns False, then no row is available.


To access fields within a row, DB_GetLong(), DB_GetFloat(), DB_GetString(), etc., can be used.


Function DB_GetDouble(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): Double;


Returns the content of the specified database column as a double precision floating-point number. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow()DatabaseRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns a double precision floating-point value.


To determine the type of a column, DB_ColumnType() can be used.

Note: This function can be called only once for each column. Therefore if this value needs to be used more than once, the data has to be stored in a variable, since all subsequent calls will return the wrong value. This is an ODBC limitation.


Function DB_GetFloat(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): Single;


Returns the content of the specified database column as a floating-point number. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow()DatabaseRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns a single precision floating-point value.


To determine the type of a column, DB_ColumnType() can be used.

Note: This function can be called only once for each column. Therefore if this value needs to be used more than once, the data has to be stored in a variable, since all subsequent calls will return the wrong value. This is an ODBC limitation.


Function DB_GetLong(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): LongInt;


Returns the content of the specified DatabaseID column as an integer number. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow()DatabaseRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns the content of the column as an integer value.


To determine the type of a column, DB_ColumnType() can be used.

Note: This function can be called only once for each column. Therefore if this value needs to be used more than once, the data has to be stored in a variable, since all subsequent calls will return the wrong value. This is an ODBC limitation.


Function DB_GetQuad(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): Int64;


Returns the content of the specified DatabaseID column as a quad number. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns the content of the column as a quad value.


To determine the type of a column, DB_ColumnType() can be used.

Note: This function can be called only once for each column. Therefore if this value needs to be used more than once, the data has to be stored in a variable, since all subsequent calls will return the wrong value. This is an ODBC limitation.


Function DB_GetString(DatabaseID: LongInt; Column: Word): PChar;


Returns the content of the specified DatabaseID column as a string. This command is only valid after a successful DB_FirstRow(), DB_PreviousRow()DatabaseRow() or DB_NextRow().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Column - Specifies the column to use. DB_ColumnIndex() is available to get the index of a named column.

Return value

Returns the content of the column as a string.


To determine the type of a column, DB_ColumnType() can be used.

Note: This function can be called only once for each column. Therefore if this value needs to be used more than once, the data has to be stored in a variable, since all subsequent calls will return the wrong value. This is an ODBC limitation.


Function DB_IsDatabase(DatabaseID: LongInt): Boolean;


This function evaluates if the given DatabaseID number is a valid and correctly-initialized database.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

Returns True if DatabaseID is a valid database connection and False otherwise.


This function is bullet-proof and can be used with any value. If return value is True then the object is valid and initialized, otherwise it returns False. This is a good way to check that the database is ready to use.


Function DB_NextDriver(): Boolean;


Retrieves information about the next available database driver. This function must be called after DB_ExamineDrivers(). To get information about the current driver, DB_DriverName() and DB_DriverDescription() can be used.

Return value

If return value is False, no more drivers are available.


This is an ODBC database specific command.


Function DB_NextRow(DatabaseID: LongInt): Boolean;


Retrieves information about the next database row in the DatabaseID. To access fields within a row, DB_GetLong(), DB_GetFloat(), DB_GetString(), etc., can be used.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

If return value is False, then no more rows are available (i.e. reached the end of the table).


Function DB_Open(DatabaseID: LongInt; DatabaseName, User, Password: WideString; Plugin: TDatabasePluginType): LongInt;


Opens a new database connection.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the number by which to refere to the new database. DB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
  • DatabaseName - Specifies the name of the database to open.
  • User - Specifies the user name for the connection. This can be an empty string if no user is required.
  • Password - Specifies the password for the connection. This can be an empty string if no password is required.
  • Plugin - This parameter is used to specify the database plugin to use. Possible values are:

Return value

Returns nonzero if the database connection was established successfully and zero if not. Error information can be received with the DB_Error() command. If DB_Any was used for the DatabaseID parameter, then the generated connection number is returned.


Function DB_PreviousRow(DatabaseID: LongInt): Boolean;


Retrieves information about the previous database row in the DatabaseID. The flag DB_Cursor_Dynamic has to be specified to DB_QueryX() to have this command working. To access to fields inside a row, DB_GetLong(), DB_GetFloat(), DB_GetString(), etc., can be used.


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.

Return value

If return value is False, then no more rows are available (i.e. reached the start of the table).


If this function returns False despite additional rows being available before the current one, then the ODBC driver does not support data retrieval in a backwards direction. It is not mandatory for an ODBC driver to support this function (unlike DB_NextRow()). Of course, if this function works, it will work on every computer using the same driver.


Function DB_Query(DatabaseID: LongInt; Query: WideString): Boolean;


Executes a SQL query on the given database. Only queries which doesn't change the database records are accepted ("SELECT"-like queries). To perform database modification, use DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Query - Specifies the query to execute.

Return value

Returns True if the query was successful or False if it failed (due to a SQL error or a badly-formatted query).


If the query has succeeded then DB_NextRow() can be used to list returned records (see the example below). In the event of an error, the error text can be retrieved with DB_Error(). It is safe to use DB_NextRow() even if the request doesn't return any records. To get the number of columns returned by the query, use DB_Columns().

Once the query results aren't needed anymore, DB_FinishQuery() has to be called to release all the query resources.

The query can contain placeholders for bind variables. Such variables must be set before calling the function using DB_SetString(), DB_SetLong(), etc. After executing the query, the bound variables are cleared and have to be set again for future calls. The syntax for specifying bind variables in SQL is dependent on the database. The example below demonstrate the syntax.

See also



// Get all the records in the 'players' table
If DB_Query(0, 'SELECT * FROM players') Then Begin
  While DB_NextRow(0) Do // Loop for each record
    WriteLn(DB_GetString(0, 0)); // Display the content of the first field


Bind variables with SQLite, MySQL and ODBC:

// SQLite, MySQL and ODBC shares the same syntax for bind variables. It is indicated by the '?' character
DB_SetString(0, 0, 'Major''s Pain');

If DB_Query(0, 'SELECT * FROM players WHERE name=?') Then Begin
  // ...

Bind variables with PostgreSQL:

// PostgreSQL uses another syntax: $1, $2.. into the statement to indicate the undefined parameter
DB_SetString(0, 0, 'Major''s Pain');

If DB_Query(0, 'SELECT * FROM players WHERE name=$1') Then Begin
  // ...


Function DB_QueryX(DatabaseID: LongInt; Query: WideString; Cursor: TDatabaseCursorType): Boolean;


Executes a SQL query on the given database. Only queries which doesn't change the database records are accepted ("SELECT"-like queries). To performs database modification, use DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Query - Specifies the query to execute.
  • Cursor - Specifies the database cursor type to use. Possible values are:
    • DB_Cursor_Static - Performs the query to access the result in a sequential manner. It's not possible to rewind with DB_PreviousRow() or DB_FirstRow() on some drivers, but it is the faster way to get the data (it's default for the DB_Query()).
    • DB_Cursor_Dynamic - Performs the query to access the result in a random manner using DB_PreviousRow() or DB_FirstRow(). It can be slower, or even unsupported on some drivers.

Return value

Returns True if the query was successful or False if it failed (due to a SQL error or a badly-formatted query).


See DB_Query() for more information.


Procedure DB_SetDouble(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word; Value: Double);


Set a double value as a bind variable for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.
  • Value - Specifies the value to use for the bind variable.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Procedure DB_SetFloat(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word; Value: Single);


Set a float value as a bind variable for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.
  • Value - Specifies the value to use for the bind variable.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Procedure DB_SetLong(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word; Value: LongInt);


Set a long value as a bind variable for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.
  • Value - Specifies the value to use for the bind variable.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Procedure DB_SetNull(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word);


Set a bind variable to a NULL value for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Procedure DB_SetQuad(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word; Value: Int64);


Set a quad value as a bind variable for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.
  • Value - Specifies the value to use for the bind variable.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Procedure DB_SetString(DatabaseID: LongInt; StatementIndex: Word; Value: WideString);


Set a string value as a bind variable for the next call to DB_Query() or DB_Update().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • StatementIndex - Specifies the index of the bind variable within the statement. The first variable has index 0.
  • Value - Specifies the value to use for the bind variable.


Bind variables make constructing statements with variable data easier, because there is no need to add the data into the string. The statement string can contain the placeholders and the data is bound before executing the statement. This method also avoids vulnerabilities due to possible SQL injection which can be done if data (such as strings) is directly inserted in the statement text. Since the statement only contains the placeholder, there is no danger.

See DB_Query() and DB_Update() for examples how to specify bind variables in an SQL statement.


Function DB_Update(DatabaseID: LongInt; Query: WideString): Boolean;


Executes a modification query on the given database. This command doesn't return any record. To perform a "SELECT"-like query, use DB_Query().


  • DatabaseID - Specifies the database to use.
  • Query - Specifies the query to execute.

Return value

Returns True if the query was successful or False if it failed (due to a SQL error or a badly-formatted query).


This function is similar to DB_Query() but is independent from the DB_NextRow() function. Therefore it's not possible to do a "SELECT"-like request with this function. This function is useful for updating records in the database. In the event of an error, the error text can be retrieved with DB_Error().

The update request can contain placeholders for bind variables. Such variables must be set before calling the function using DB_SetString(), DB_SetLong(), etc. After executing the update, the bound variables are cleared and have to be set again for future calls. The syntax for specifying bind variables in SQL is dependent on the database. The example below demonstrate the syntax.


If Not DB_Update(0, 'UPDATE players SET status = 1 WHERE id > 10') Then
  WriteLn('Update failed: ' + DB_Error);

Bind variables with SQLite, MySQL and ODBC:

// SQLite, MySQL and ODBC shares the same syntax for bind variables. It is indicated by the '?' character
DB_SetLong(0, 0, 1);
DB_SetLong(0, 1, 10);
DB_Update(0, 'UPDATE players SET status = ? WHERE id > ?');

Bind variables with PostgreSQL:

// PostgreSQL uses another syntax: $1, $2.. into the statement to indicate the undefined parameter
DB_SetLong(0, 0, 1);
DB_SetLong(0, 1, 10);
DB_Update(0, 'UPDATE players SET status = $1 WHERE id > $2');


Procedure DB_UseMySQL(LibraryPath: WideString);


Initialize the MySQL/MariaDB database environment for future use.


  • LibraryPath - File path of the dynamic library to use. As most Linux distribution ship with packaged, it can be set to the correct path of the named library, so the doesn't have to be bundled with the script. If this parameter is not specified (by passing an empty string as a parameter value), libmariadb.dll (Windows) or (Linux) bundled and placed near to libdb.dll or will be used.



// You should have a server running on localhost
If DB_Open(0, 'host=localhost port=3306 dbname=test', 'mysql', 'mysql', DB_Plugin_MySQL) Then
  WriteLn('Connected to MySQL')
  WriteLn('Connection failed: ' + DB_Error);


Function DB_UseODBC(): Boolean;


Initialize the ODBC database environment for future use. It attempts to load the ODBC driver and allocate the required resources.

Return value

If return value is False, then the ODBC driver is not available or is too old (ODBC 3.0 or higher is needed) and database functions should not be used.


It is possible to obtain a list of available drivers by calling the function DB_ExamineDrivers().


If DB_UseODBC Then
  If DB_Open(0, 'MySQL-ODBC', 'mysql', 'mysql', DB_Plugin_ODBC) Then
    WriteLn('Connected to MySQL via ODBC')
    WriteLn('Connection failed: ' + DB_Error)
  WriteLn('Failed to initialize ODBC: ' + DB_Error);


Procedure DB_UsePostgreSQL();


Initialize the PostgreSQL database environment for future use.



// You should have a server running on localhost
If DB_Open(0, 'host=localhost port=5432', 'postgres', 'postgres', DB_Plugin_PostgreSQL) Then
  WriteLn('Connected to PostgreSQL')
  WriteLn('Connection failed: ' + DB_Error);


Procedure DB_UseSQLite();


Initialize the SQLite database environment for future use.


  FileStream: TFileStream;
  FilePath: String;
  FilePath := 'test.db';

  If File.CheckAccess(FilePath) Then
    If File.Exists(FilePath) Then Begin
      WriteLn('File was found: ' + FilePath)
    End Else Begin
      WriteLn('File was not found: ' + FilePath);
        FileStream := File.CreateFileStream;
        WriteLn('File was created: ' + FilePath);
        WriteLn('Exception: ' + ExceptionParam);
  Else Begin
    WriteLn('Access denied: ' + FilePath);


  If DB_Open(0, FilePath, '', '', DB_Plugin_SQLite) Then
    WriteLn('Connected to SQLite')
    WriteLn('Connection failed: ' + DB_Error);


Function DB_GetVersion(): Word;


Returns the version number of the libdb library.


WriteLn('You are using the "libdb v' + FormatFloat('#0.0', 0.1 * DB_GetVersion) + '" library.');