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A Multilayer Perceptron from scratch using NumPy. Offers almost all basic functionalities . Suitable for classification and regression tasks. 一个用NumPy从零实现的多层感知机。提供几乎所有基本功能。适用于分类和回归任务。


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Multilayer Perceptron from Scratch using NumPy


Multilayer Perceptron

🎉 Exciting News!
For a seamless experience, we have now integrated our project with Google Colab by launching a Jupyter Notebook. Dive right in by clicking the button below!

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📌 Important:
To access all the files from our repository, ensure you execute the Setup code snippet in the notebook. The Toy Example section shows our toy example below. The Pipeline section provides a direct illustration of the pipeline in Please be aware that the training duration might differ on Colab compared to local setups. The entire training could take approximately 58 minutes (It depends on the allocated virtual machine). If this is too lengthy, consider reducing the number of epochs until the training duration is satisfactory for you.

✨ 1. Introduction

This repository contains a framework for a Multilayer Perceptron implemented solely using NumPy, with the exception of one imported SciPy function. This project draws inspiration from both TensorFlow and PyTorch. As you delve deeper, you'll notice that constructing a model with this framework bears a resemblance to the style of TensorFlow. Furthermore, some specific implementations within the source code are influenced by PyTorch. If you're keen on understanding the design and usage of this framework, let's dive in!

✨ 2. A toy example

Let's dive into a toy example. First, we need to import the necessary modules.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nn.mlp import MultilayerPerceptron
from nn.layers import Input, Dense

Then, we need to generate some random data points. Please note that for reproductivity, a random seed should be set.

class_1 = np.hstack([np.random.normal( 1, 1, size=(500, 2)),  np.ones(shape=(500, 1))])
class_2 = np.hstack([np.random.normal(-1, 1, size=(200, 2)), -np.ones(shape=(200, 1))])
dataset = np.vstack([class_1, class_2])
X, y = dataset[:,:2], dataset[:,2]

Let's take a quick look at what they look like.

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.scatter(class_1[:,0], class_1[:,1], label='1')
plt.scatter(class_2[:,0], class_2[:,1], label='-1')

Random Data Points

It looks cool! Let's construct our model.

layers = [
    Dense(units=4, activation='leaky_relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'out'}),
    Dense(units=3, activation='hardswish', init='xavier_normal'),
    Dense(units=2, activation='relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'in'}),
    Dense(units=1, activation='tanh', init='xavier_uniform')
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
            metrics=['MeanSquareError']), y, epochs=3, batch_size=8, use_progress_bar=True)

Of course, in our implementation, the above process is equivalent to:

mlp = MultilayerPerceptron()
mlp.add(Dense(units=4, activation='leaky_relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'out'}))
mlp.add(Dense(units=3, activation='hardswish', init='xavier_normal'))
mlp.add(Dense(units=2, activation='relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'in'}))
mlp.add(Dense(units=1, activation='tanh', init='xavier_uniform'))

We've already done it. Easy? That's what we want! Let's check its loss through epochs.


Loss through epochs

Not bad! It seems to work as expected.

Finally, let's look at the decision boundary of our model.

Decision Boundary

That's awesome!!

✨ 3. Key modules

3.1 Activations

Since this project evolved from an assignment, the differentiation is done manually rather than automatically. Feel free to make modifications if needed.

  • Hyperbolic Tangent(Tanh)
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Tanh}(x) = \mathrm{tanh}(x) = \frac{\mathrm{exp}(x) - \mathrm{exp}(-x)}{\mathrm{exp}(x) + \mathrm{exp}(-x)}$
  • Tanhshrink
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Tanhshrink}(x) = x − \mathrm{tanh}(x)$
  • Hardtanh
  • Sigmoid
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Sigmoid}(x) = \sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \mathrm{exp}(-x)}$
  • LogSigmoid
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{LogSigmoid}(x) = \mathrm{log}(\frac{1}{1 + \mathrm{exp}(-x)})$
  • Hardsigmoid
  • ReLU
    • Formula: $\mathrm{ReLU}(x) = \mathrm{max}(0, x)$
  • ReLU6
    • Formula: $\mathrm{ReLU6}(x) = \mathrm{min}(\mathrm{max}(0,x),6)$
  • Leaky relu
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{LeakyReLU}(x) = \mathrm{max}(0,x) + \alpha * \mathrm{min}(0,x)$
  • ELU
  • CELU
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{CELU}(x) = \mathrm{max}(0,x) + \mathrm{min}(0, \alpha * (\mathrm{exp}(x/\alpha) − 1))$
  • SELU
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{SELU}(x) = \mathrm{scale} * (\mathrm{max}(0,x) + \mathrm{min}(0, \alpha * (\mathrm{exp}(x) − 1)))$
  • GELU
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{GELU}(x) = 0.5 * x * (1 + \mathrm{Tanh}(\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}})) * (x + 0.044715 * x^3)$
  • Mish
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Mish}(x) = x * \mathrm{Tanh}(\mathrm{Softplus}(x))$
  • Swish
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Swish}(x) = x * \sigma(x)$
  • Hardswish
  • Softplus
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{Softplus}(x)= \frac{1}{\beta} * \mathrm{log}(1 + \mathrm{exp}(\beta * x))$
  • SoftSign
    • Formula:
      $\mathrm{SoftSign}(x) = \frac{x}{1 + \vert x \vert}$
  • SoftShrinkage
  • HardShrink
  • Threshold

Note that due to GitHub's markdown not supporting the piecewise function, some function formulas are not provided.

3.2 Layers

  • Dense

    • Dense Layer (Fully Connected Layer)
    • Definition:
      A Dense Layer, also known as a Fully Connected Layer, is a layer in a neural network where every input node (or neuron) is connected to every output node. It's termed "fully connected" or "dense" because all inputs and outputs are interconnected.
    • Mathematical Representation:
      $y = f(Wx + b)$
  • BatchNorm

    • Batch Normalization
    • Definition:
      Batch Normalization is a technique used in neural networks to standardize the activations of a given input layer on a mini-batch, which helps to stabilize and accelerate the training process.
    • Mathematical Representation:
      For a given mini-batch, $B$, of size $m$, with activations $x$:
      $\mu_B = \frac{1}{m}\Sigma_{i=1}^m x_i$
      $\sigma_B^2 = \frac{1}{m}\Sigma_{i=1}^m (x_i - \mu_B)^2$
      $\hat {x_i} = \frac{x_i - \mu_B}{\sqrt{\sigma_B^2 + \epsilon}}$
      $y_i = \gamma \hat {x_i} + \beta$
  • Dropout:

    • Definition:
      Dropout is a regularization technique used in neural networks where, during training, random subsets of neurons are "dropped out" (i.e., set to zero) at each iteration. This prevents the network from becoming overly reliant on any particular neuron and promotes a more generalized model.
  • Activ:

    • Activation Layer
    • Definition: An Activation Layer in a neural network is a layer that applies a non-linear function to its inputs, transforming the data to introduce non-linearity into the model. This non-linearity allows the network to learn from error and make adjustments, which is essential for learning complex patterns.

3.3 Optimizers

  • SGD (including Momentum and Nesterov)
    • Required Parameter: lr
    • Default Parameter: momentum=0.0, nesterov=False, weight_decay=0.0
  • Adagrad
    • Required Parameter: None
    • Default Parameter: lr=1.0, weight_decay=0.0, epsilon=1e-10
  • Adadelta
    • Required Parameter: None
    • Default Parameter: lr=1.0, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-06, weight_decay=0.0
  • Adam
    • Required Parameter: None
    • Default Parameter: lr=1e-3, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, weight_decay=0.0

3.4 Learning Rate Scheduler

Status: Stable – Achieved Desired Outcomes

  • StepLR
    • Required Parameter: optimizer, step_size
    • Default Parameter: gamma=0.1
  • ConstantLR
    • Required Parameter: optimizer
    • Default Parameter: factor=1./3, total_iters=5
  • MultiStepLR
    • Required Parameter: optimizer, milestones
    • Default Parameter: gamma=0.1

3.5 Callbacks

Status: Stable – Achieved Desired Outcomes(Currently in Testing Phase)

  • EarlyStopping:
    • Required Parameter: criterion
    • Default Parameter: min_delta=0.0, patience=5, mode='min', restore_best_weights=False

✨ 4. Instructions

4.1 Regularization

In the previous toy example, the structure of the model is:

layers = [
    Dense(units=4, activation='leaky_relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'out'}),
    Dense(units=3, activation='hardswish', init='xavier_normal'),
    Dense(units=2, activation='relu', init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'in'}),
    Dense(units=1, activation='tanh', init='xavier_uniform')

Given that our training data is relatively simple, regularizations aren't strictly necessary. However, if the model starts overfitting, consider applying regularization techniques. In such a scenario, the layers should be constructed as follows:

from nn.layers import BatchNorm, Dropout, Activ
layers = [
    Dense(units=4, init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'out'}),
    Dense(units=3, init='xavier_normal'),
    Dense(units=2, init='kaiming_normal', init_params={'mode': 'in'}),
    Dense(units=1, activation='tanh', init='xavier_uniform')

When employing regularization, follow this order: Linear -> BatchNorm -> Activ -> Dropout.

Decision Boundary After Regularization

4.2 Optimizer

When training the model, the optimizer can be defined in the toy example as below:

            metrics=['MeanSquareError']), y, epochs=3)

The default optimizer is utilized during the training process. However, it can also be customized:

  • SGD
optimizer = SGD(lr=1e-2)
  • SGD with momentum:
optimizer = SGD(lr=1e-2, momentum=0.9)
  • Nesterov SGD:
optimizer = SGD(lr=1e-2, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)

After defining the optimizer, compile the model:


For using default settings, these two methods are equivalent:




Loss using SGD

4.3 Loss Functions

Not only can you use MeanSquareError, but you can also use CrossEntropy. More interestingly, one-hot encoding is provided as an in-built method, so you don't need to pass preprocessed data to the model. However, ensure that the data passed to the model is in numerical encoding.

When compiling the model using CrossEntropy, you will see:

Decision Boundary using Cross Entropy

4.4 Learning Rate Scheduler

Adjusting the learning rate dynamically during training is crucial to optimize model performance. The Learning Rate Scheduler offers a class of methods for this purpose. As illustrated below, the MultiStepLR method from the nn.schedules module adjusts the learning rate at specific milestones.

from nn.schedules import MultiStepLR

mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=0.02)
scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[100, 200, 300, 400], gamma=0.8)

The graph below provides a visual representation of the learning rate adjustments. Notice the jumps corresponding to the specified milestones:

Loss through Epochs with MultiStepLR

As can be inferred from the graph, the learning rate scheduler significantly enhances the performance of our model.

4.5 Save and Load Our Model

We provide methods to save and load the model.

  • How to save?
# Assume mlp is a trained model'mlp.pickle')
  • How to load?
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron.load('mlp.pickle')

4.6 Progress Bar Integration

In our recent update, we have integrated the tqdm() function from the tqdm library into the training process. While this enhancement doesn't provide real-time metrics display during training, it introduces a progress bar. This bar not only visualizes the elapsed time for each epoch but also estimates the time of completion.

During the training procedure, the following output will be displayed in the terminal:

47%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 237/500 [10:15<11:26, 2.61s/it]

✨ 5. Testing on a Complex Dataset

5.1 Dataset Overview

Our datasets, comprising both a training and test set, are extremely balanced. The number of features stands at 128, and label classes are integers ranging from 0 to 9. Notably, in our implementation, the multilayer perceptron automatically one-hot encodes them. Each class has 5,000 samples in the training set and 1,000 in the test set. Datasets were released in the update on Oct. 2, 2023.

We have also conducted tests using Google Colab's built-in datasets (MNIST & California Housing Price). You can find the details in the Jupyter notebook under the Quick Start section.

5.2 Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1. Import Required Libraries & Modules

Do note, if other optimizers or regularization methods are necessary, make sure to import them as required.

import numpy as np
from datasets.data_loader import datasets
from nn.mlp import MultilayerPerceptron
from nn.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout
from nn.optim import Adam
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score as accuracy

Step 2. Load the Datasets

Ensure that the labels are structured in a 1-D array with the shape (number_of_samples, ). Otherwise, it might trigger errors.

X_train, y_train = datasets(train=True)
X_test, y_test = datasets(train=False)
print(f"The shape of X_train is {X_train.shape}, and the shape of y_train is {y_train.shape}.")
print(f"The classes in y_train are: {np.unique(y_train)}.")


The shape of X_train is (50000, 128), and the shape of y_train is (50000,).
The classes in y_train are: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9].

Step 3. Review the Label Distribution

For datasets that aren't balanced, you might need to employ preprocessing techniques.

train_label_dist = dict.fromkeys(np.unique(y_train), 0)
test_label_dist = dict.fromkeys(np.unique(y_test), 0)

for y in y_train:
    train_label_dist[y] += 1
for y in y_test:
    test_label_dist[y] += 1



{6: 5000, 9: 5000, 4: 5000, 1: 5000, 2: 5000, 7: 5000, 8: 5000, 3: 5000, 5: 5000, 0: 5000}
{3: 1000, 8: 1000, 0: 1000, 6: 1000, 1: 1000, 9: 1000, 5: 1000, 7: 1000, 4: 1000, 2: 1000}

Step 4. Construct the Multilayer Perceptron

To ensure reproducibility, we've set a random seed here. The chosen architecture is based on past experience with deep-learning tasks. Don't hesitate to experiment with your designs. Due to our implementation specifics, some activation functions could be computationally intensive. Choose wisely.

The architecture

layers = [
    Dense(units=120, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=112,  init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=96, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=64, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=48, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=32, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=24, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=16, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=10, activation='softmax')
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
mlp.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=0.02),
            metrics=['CrossEntropy', 'Accuracy'])

Step 5. Train the Model and Present its Training Metrics, y_train, epochs=500, batch_size=32)
loss = mlp.loss_tracker()
train_time = mlp.training_time()
print(f'Training time: {train_time:.2f} second(s).')
print(f'Loss: {loss[-1]:.2f}.')


Training time: 1358.89 second(s).
Loss: 1.34.

Training procedure

Step 6. Evaluate the Model

Though we've considered adding built-in metrics for model evaluation during development, metrics can vary significantly across different tasks. Hence, we'd recommend defining your evaluation strategies.

print(f"Accuracy on the training set is: {accuracy(y_train, mlp.predict(X_train)):.2%}." )
print(f"Accuracy on the test set is: {accuracy(y_test, mlp.predict(X_test)):.2%}.")


Accuracy on the training set is: 59.72%.
Accuracy on the test set is: 55.69%.

If you wish to save the trained model, use the following code:'mlp.pickle')

5.3 Simplified Model Option

For those seeking a satisfactory but not top-tier model, consider the following architecture:

The simplified architecture

layers = [
    Dense(units=120, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=112,  init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=96, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=64, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=48, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=32, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=24, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=16, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=10, activation='softmax')
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
mlp.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=2e-6, weight_decay=0.02),
            metrics=['CrossEntropy']), y_train, epochs=90, batch_size=128)

This model provides consistent training and moderate performance. The training metrics are as follows:

Training time: 768.38 second(s).
Loss: 1.35.

Training procedure

Accuracy on the training set is: 51.95%.
Accuracy on the test set is: 49.58%.

5.4 A Streamlined and Comprehensive Workflow

For clarity, the above steps might seem repetitive. Below is a more concise and efficient workflow, also found in the file:

import numpy as np
from datasets.data_loader import datasets
from nn.mlp import MultilayerPerceptron
from nn.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout
from nn.optim import Adam
from nn.schedules import MultiStepLR
from nn.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score as accuracy

# Load the data
X_train, y_train = datasets(train=True)
X_test, y_test = datasets(train=False)

# Set the random seed

# Build the model
layers = [
    Dense(units=120, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=112,  init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=96, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=64, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=48, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=32, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=24, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=16, activation='elu', init='kaiming_uniform'),
    Dense(units=10, activation='softmax')

mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=0.02)
scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[100, 200, 300, 400], gamma=0.8)
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron(layers)
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-3, weight_decay=0.2)
scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[20, 40, 60, 80], gamma=0.8)
earlystopping = EarlyStopping(accuracy, patience=10, mode='max', restore_best_weights=True, start_from_epoch=20)
            metrics=['CrossEntropy', 'Accuracy'],
), y_train, 
        epochs=90, batch_size=128, 
        validation_data=(X_test, y_test), use_progress_bar=True, 
# Evaluate the model
loss = mlp.loss_tracker()
train_time = mlp.training_time()
print(f'Training time: {train_time:.2f} second(s).')
print(f'Loss: {loss[-1]:.2f}.')

print(f"Accuracy on the training set is: {accuracy(y_train, mlp.predict(X_train)):.2%}." )
print(f"Accuracy on the test set is: {accuracy(y_test, mlp.predict(X_test)):.2%}.")


The use of a learning rate scheduler can enhance accuracy by approximately 2-3%.

Alternatively, if you prefer to utilize our pre-trained model, refer to the following snippet, also available in the file:

from datasets.data_loader import datasets
from nn.mlp import MultilayerPerceptron
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score as accuracy
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score

# Load the data
X_train, y_train = datasets(train=True)
X_test, y_test = datasets(train=False)

# Load the model
mlp = MultilayerPerceptron.load('model_hub/mlp.pickle')

# Evaluate the model
print(f"Accuracy on the training set is: {accuracy(y_train, mlp.predict(X_train)):.2%}." )
print(f"Accuracy on the test set is: {accuracy(y_test, mlp.predict(X_test)):.2%}.")
print(f"Precision on the training set is: {precision_score(y_train, mlp.predict(X_train), average='weighted'):.2%}." )
print(f"Precision on the test set is: {precision_score(y_test, mlp.predict(X_test), average='weighted'):.2%}.")

✨ 6. Project structure

├── data/          
|   ├── train_data.npy
|   ├── train_label.npy
|   ├── test_data.npy
|   └── test_label.npy
├── datasets/          
|   ├──
|   └──
├── model_hub/      
│   └── mlp.pickle
├── nn/      
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   └──    
├── figures/
|   ├── *.svg     
│   └── *.png   
├── eval/          
|   ├──
|   └──
├── mlp_quickstart.ipynb

✨ 7. Update log

This section lists the changes and updates made to the Multilayer Perceptron framework. Each update will include the version number, release date, and a brief summary of the changes made.

Version Update: 2023-09-05

  • Added: Integrated the tqdm() function from the tqdm library into the training process.
  • Re-organized: Revamped the entire repository structure for improved integration and standardization.
  • Improved: Enhanced the architecture of the multilayer perceptron for the specific task.
  • Future work: Plan to integrate an early stopping strategy into the training procedure. (Done.)

Repo Update: 2023-10-02

  • Added: Released the datasets.
  • Fixed: Fixed several typos in

Repo Update: 2023-10-07

  • Added: Introduced a Jupyter Notebook titled mlp_quickstart.ipynb for a seamless integration with Google Colab.
  • Enhanced: Improved the for clarity and better user navigation by incorporating emojis and polishing the content.
  • Future Work: Plan to finish docstrings of each module.

Version and Repo Update: 2023-10-18

  • Modularized: Streamlined and refactored the codebase to ensure a cleaner and more intuitive user experience.
  • Added: Seamlessly integrated architecture construction and performance testing using Google Colab's built-in datasets.
  • Enhanced: Introduced new methods to the MultilayerPerceptron, elevating its functionality and versatility.
  • Integrated: Incorporated both EarlyStopping and LearningRateScheduler, offering refined training control.
  • Progressed: Completed a substantial portion of module docstrings, paving the way for clearer developer insights.

Version Update: 2023-11-22

  • Simplified: Streamlined parts of the implementation, particularly the user interface.
  • Enhanced: Improved certain functionalities.

Repo Update: 2023-11-24

  • Completed: Finalized the documentation strings for all modules, enhancing clarity and developer understanding throughout the codebase.


A Multilayer Perceptron from scratch using NumPy. Offers almost all basic functionalities . Suitable for classification and regression tasks. 一个用NumPy从零实现的多层感知机。提供几乎所有基本功能。适用于分类和回归任务。








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