##Sample ![Splash Screen Animation] (https://github.com/XamlBrewer/UWP-Animated-SplashScreen/blob/master/AnimatedSplashScreen.gif)
##NuGet To install SplashScreen animation for UWP, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package XamlBrewer.Uwp.AnimatedSplashScreen
##Usage Add the following statement on top of your App.xaml.cs file:
using XamlBrewer.Uwp.Controls;
Add the call to OpenFromSplashScreen() in the OnLaunched event handler:
if (rootFrame.Content == null)
rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(Shell), e.Arguments);
(rootFrame.Content as Page).OpenFromSplashScreen(e.SplashScreen.ImageLocation);
Use one of the overloads to provide a specific image, and/or background color.
##Credits The original code was written by the Composition Team as part of the Windows UI Dev Labs. I just simplified it, made it a bit more generic and reusable, and packaged it.