What is the point of this tool? I realised after spending a day video editing off my server, which uses mergerfs and SnapRAID for storage, that all my work for the day would not be backed up until SR ran the following morning, or CrashPlan got round to backing up new data (currently it was busy with other files).
I searched for something that could act as an intermediary real-time backup until my conventional backup software got round to doing it's thing, but I couldn't find anything so I made this instead!
Automatically cache (by copying to a different destination) new files and folders within a directory.
Automatically remove cache files after specified number of days
Monitors source folder and makes copies in near-real-time
Cache is stored in unencrypted files / folders allowing easy recovery in the case of data loss
Keeps the latest version of a file daily; does not keep every version!
Set your variables in sync.sh
before installing or running
source=[Folder to monitor for changes]
destination=[Cache location]
days=[Number of days of cache to retain]
You can either run sync.sh
manually, or use the included sample service file.
$ sudo cp auto-disk-cache.service /etc/systemd/system/auto-disk-cache.service
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/auto-disk-cache.service
$ sudo systemctl enable auto-disk-cache
$ sudo systemctl start auto-disk-cache
Just run install.sh