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Dockerized VistA/RPMS instances

Code in this repository enables you to create VistA or RPMS instances on IRIS or GT.M/YottaDB. A working Docker installation on the platform of choice is required in order to be able to create instances.

Table of Contents

Pre-built images

Pre-built images for open source code are available on Docker Hub. Instrucions for running them are available on the URL, including usernames/passwords:

Image Name M Imp Versions Available Docker Hub URL
FOIA VistA YDB No New Images
OSEHRA VistA YDB No New Images
vxVistA GTM 15.0
VEHU YDB Monthly
RPMS YDB No New Images
OSEHRA Plan VI YDB 3; last 201902
VEHU Plan VI YDB 2; last 201901
WorldVistA YDB 3.0
WorldVistA GTM 2.0

Quick Reference for building & running images

Default: "OSEHRA VistA (YottaDB, no bootstrap, with QEWD and Panorama)"

docker build -t foia .
docker run -d -p 9430:9430 -p 8001:8001 -p 2222:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 --name=foia foia

Plan VI (Internationalized Version) OSEHRA VistA (YottaDB, UTF-8 enabled, no bootstrap, with QEWD and Panorama)

docker build --build-arg flags="-byuma -p ./Common/" --build-arg instance="ov6" -t ov6 .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 -p 9430:9430 -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 --name=ov6 ov6

WorldVistA (YottaDB, Panorama, no boostrap, skip testing):

docker build --build-arg flags="-bymsa -p Common/" --build-arg instance="wv" -t wv .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 -p 9430:9430 -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 --name=wv wv

VEHU (YottaDB with GUI, no bootstrap, skip testing, SQL Access)

docker build --build-arg flags="-ybsqna" --build-arg instance="vehu" -t vehu .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 -p 9430:9430 -p 8089-8090:8089-8090 -p 1338:1338 --name=vehu vehu

VEHU (YottaDB with GUI, build YottaDB from source, SQL Access)

docker build --build-arg flags="-obsqna" --build-arg instance="vehu" -t vehu .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 -p 9430:9430 -p 1338:1338 -p 8089-8090:8089-8090 --name=vehu vehu

VEHU Plan VI (Internationalized Version) (YottaDB, UTF-8 enabled, no bootstrap, skip testing, Panorama)

docker build --build-arg flags="-bysuma" --build-arg instance="vehu6" -t worldvista/vehu6:201808 -t worldvista/vehu6:latest .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 -p 9430:9430 -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 --name=vehu worldvista/vehu6

RPMS (RPMS, YottaDB, no boostrap, skip testing, and do post-install as well)

docker build --build-arg flags="-wfybsa -p ./Common/" --build-arg instance="rpms" -t rpms .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 9100:9100 -p 9101:9101 -p 9080:9080 --name=rpms rpms

IRIS Install with local VistA DAT file. You need to supply your own IRIS.DAT and IRIS.key and .tar.gz installer for RHEL. These files need to be added to the iris-files directories.

docker build --build-arg flags="-cbsp ./Common/" --build-arg instance="foia" --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" -t iris .
docker run -p 9430:9430 -p 8001:8001 -p2222:22 -p57772:57772 -p 9080:9080 -d -P --name=iris iris

IRIS Install with local RPMS DAT file.

docker build --build-arg flags="-cbswp ./Common/" --build-arg instance="rpms" --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" -t rpms .
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -p 9100:9100 -p 9101:9101 -p 9080:9080 --name=rpms rpms

IRIS Install with local DAT file to stop after exporting the code from the IRIS instance. You need to supply your own IRIS.DAT and .tar.gz installer for RHEL. When available, the system will also install a "IRIS.key" file when the system is built. If it is not present, the extraction will be performed serially. These files need to be added to the iris-files directories.

docker build --build-arg flags="-cbsxp ./Common/" --build-arg instance="irisvista" --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" -t irisvista .
docker run -p 9430:9430 -p 8001:8001 -p2222:22 -p57772:57772 -p 9080:9080 -d -P --name=iris irisvista

To capture the exported code from the container and remove the Docker objects, execute the following commands:

docker cp iris:/opt/VistA-M /tmp/ # no need to put a cp -r
docker stop iris
docker rm iris
docker rmi irisvista

A volume could also be mounted to the container.

List of Ports

The exported ports are as follows:

Docker Port Mapped To? Purpose Applicable to?
22 2222 SSH All
9430 9430 XWB (CPRS etc) VistA
8080 8080 Panorama VistA
8001 8001 VistALink VistA
9080 9080 M Web Server VistA
9100 9100 CIA (RPMS-EHR) RPMS
9101 9101 BMX (iCare etc) RPMS
57772 57772 IRIS Web Portal IRIS
1338 1338 SQL Listener Port YottaDB
8089 8089 YottaDB GUI YottaDB
8090 8090 YottaDB GUI Socket Server YottaDB

Detailed Discussion and Reference

As shown above, there are two steps: the build step and and run step. There are defaults if you don't supply arguments, which are discussed below. The build step runs the script which does the actual installation. Post-install scripts (supplied after the argument -p) allow customization of the built image.

IRIS will not have any pre-built images due to license restrictions. The IRIS install assumes that you are using a pre-built IRIS.DAT. The default install is done with "minimal" security. Also, some options (EWD, Panorama, etc) are not valid for IRIS installs and will be ignored. The IRIS Steps are as follows:

  1. Copy the IRIS installer (.tar.gz RHEL kit) to the root of this repository

  2. Copy your iris.key to the iris-files directory of this repository (optional)

  3. Copy your IRIS.DAT to the iris-files directory of this repository

  4. Build and run the image

    docker build --build-arg flags="-cbsp ./Common/" --build-arg instance="irisvista" --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" -t irisvista .
    docker run -p9430:9430 -p8001:8001 -p2222:22 -p57772:57772 -d --name=iris irisvista

Build Options

Dockerfile options:

Option Name Default Description Example
instance osehra The instance argument allows you to define the instance Name Space and directory inside the docker container. MUST BE lowercase. docker build --build-arg instance=vxvista -t vxvista
flags -y -b -e -m -p ./Common/ Command Line arguments to See table below for more details and examples above
entry /home The entry argument allows you to adjust where docker looks for the entryfile docker build --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" -t iris . options:

Option Default Description
a Alternate VistA-M repo (zip or git format) (Must be in OSEHRA format)
b n/a Skip bootstrapping system (used for docker)
c n/a Use IRIS
d n/a Create development directories (s & p) (GT.M and YottaDB only)
e n/a Install QEWD (assumes development directories)
f n/a Apply Kernel-GTM fixes after import
g n/a Use GT.M
h n/a Show the list of options
i osehra Instance name (Namespace/Database for IRIS)
m n/a Install Panorama (assumes development directories and QEWD)
n n/a Install YottaDB GUI.
o n/a Install YottaDB from source. Will also enable -y (YottaDB)
p n/a Post install hook (path to script)
q n/a Install SQL mapping for YottaDB
r n/a Alternate VistA-M repo branch (git format only)
s n/a Skip testing
t n/a Run BATS Tests
u n/a Install GTM/YottaDB with UTF-8 enabled
v n/a Build ViViaN Documentation
w n/a Install RPMS scripts (GT.M/YDB or IRIS)
x n/a Extract Routines and Globals from GT.M/IRIS into .m/.zwr
y n/a Use YottaDB
z n/a Dev Mode: Don't clean-up and set -x

Tagging an image to upload to Docker Hub

First, you need to login to Docker Hub using the command docker login.

MAKE SURE THAT WHAT YOU PUSH IS OPEN SOURCE CODE. Docker Hub is a public resource. There are enterprise versions of Docker Hub; we are NOT providing intructions for that here.

Then you need to tag your image. First find the image ID using docker images. For example,

REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
wv                   latest              4d088aa275ff        13 hours ago        6.06GB
vehu                 latest              ed6175534a1c        20 hours ago        4.29GB
vxvista              latest              3866735fcfc0        21 hours ago        2.96GB
irisvista            latest              071386cb0e80        46 hours ago        15.4GB
centos               latest              75835a67d134        11 days ago         200MB
osehra/osehravista   latest              8d58b9b985d7        5 weeks ago         4.63GB
hello-world          latest              e38bc07ac18e        6 months ago        1.85kB

So, if we want to push wv up, then we need to use the image ID 4d088aa275ff using our username on dockerhub plus the name of the image. If your username on Docker Hub is boo, then you need to tag your image as follows:

docker tag 4d088aa275ff boo/wv

If you plan to have more than one version of your images, you can use : after the tag name. Not using a : automatically applies the version latest. For example,

docker tag 4d088aa275ff boo/wv:v3

... to deploy v3.

The last step is pushing to Docker Hub. To push the latest version, just do this:

docker push boo/wv

To push a specific version, you need to put the :.

docker push boo/wv:v3

The push will take a long time depending on how fast your upload speed is. VistA images are around 4GB big when uploaded; 1GB big when downloaded (as they are downloaded gzipped).

Building ViViaN and DOX with Docker

Utilizing the "-v" argument flag, the system will attempt to execute the tasks which will install a MUMPS environment, execute tasks to gather data, generate HTML pages, and finally set up a web server on the container to display the data. The scripts are designed to take and process a M[UMPS] system that is supplied by the user in one of two formats.

Platform Required Files
GT.M/YottaDB Not supported.
IRIS The files used as part of the install will be used again. You need to supply your own IRIS.DAT and .tar.gz installer for RHEL 8. These files need to be added to the iris-files directory.

-v and -b options need to be combined together when the docker build command is instantiated.

For a IRIS instance, the command would look as follows:

docker build --progress=plain --no-cache --build-arg flags="-c -b -v -p ./Common/" --build-arg entry="/opt/irissys" --build-arg instance="foia" -t irisviv .
docker run -p 2222:22 -p 57772:57772 -p 3080:80 -d -P --name=irisviv irisviv

Once the container is running, the ViViaN and DOX pages can be accessed via a web browser at http://localhost:3080/vivian and http://localhost:3080/dox

Post Installs that you can apply with -p flag

Script GTM-YDB/IRIS? What it does?
./Common/ IRIS FOIA VistA IRIS Set-up
./Common/ IRIS FOIA VistA Vivian Extraction Set-up
./Common/ GTM-YDB Install Synthetic Patient Ingestor and FHIR Exporter
./Common/ GTM-YDB vxVistA GT.M/YDB specific set-up
./Common/ GTM-YDB RPMS GT.M/YDB specific set-up
./Common/ IRIS Fix FOIA Console Set-up
./Common/ GTM-YDB Add Korean ICD-10 and Korean demo data for Plan VI images
./Common/ Sample Only DO NOT USE
./Common/ GTM-YDB Create Demo Users for an instance (physician, pharmacist, and nurse)
./Common/ IRIS FOIA RPMS IRIS.DAT Post-Installer
./Common/ GTM-YDB Add Korean ICD-10 to VEHU instance

Installing SQL Mapping

SQL Mapping of FileMan Files is at SQL Mapping is supported only for YottaDB. There are some special command line arguments that are required for proper running:

Installation Command Line flag

The -q command line flag is used to install all required files for the SQL Mapping and set up processes for auto start when the container is started. Development directories are automatically installed by specifing "-q"

An example build command:

docker build --build-arg flags="-y -b -e -m -q -s" --build-arg instance="osehra" -t osehraocto .

Docker run Command Line flags

There is also an additional port that needs to be forwarded from the Host to the Guest:

-p 1338:1338

example docker run command:

docker run -p 9430:9430 -p 8001:8001 -p 2223:22 -p 1338:1338 -d -P --name=osehra osehraocto

Mapping FileMan Files

All FileMan files are automatically mapped when the container is built. If you need to re-run the mapping at any point you can run the following commands:

To map individual files:

OSEHRA>D MAPONE^%YDBOCTOVISTAM("/path/for/ddl.sql",FileNumber)

Replace FileNumber with a valid parent File Number like 200 (NEW PERSON) or 2 (PATIENT)

OSEHRA>D MAPFM^%YDBOCTOVISTAM("vista-200.sql",200)

Mapping all FileMan files can be accomplished by running:


Then load it using the octo command line tool:

octo -f /path/for/ddl.sql


Deployment tests are written using bats The tests make sure that deployment directories, scripts, RPC Broker, VistALink are all working and how they should be.

There are two special tests:

  • fifo

    The fifo test is for docker containers and assumes that the tests are ran as root (currently) as that is who owns the fifo

  • VistALink

    This test installs java, retrieves a zip file of a github repo and makes a VistALink connection. This test does take a few seconds to complete and modifies the installed packages of the system. It also needs to have 2 environment variables defined: accessCode and verifyCode. These should be a valid access/verify code of a system manager user that has access to VistALink