This is a NPC teleporter entirely based on SQL!
This is based upon the excellent work from Rochet2 and ported to TrinityCore Master branche by me.
- First run Trinity_Portal_Master.sql and Locale Translations.sql in the World Database.
- Run Hotfixe_Translation.sql in the Hotfixes Database.
- Add NPC's where you want to have teleporters (.npc add 900000000)
After thar i provide several sql scripts to auto add teleportations locations:
- One script to auto add a new category with a sub category. (Trinity_Portal_Auto_Add_Cat_and_Submenus_World.sql) for this one you have also to run (Trinity_Portal_Auto_Add_Cat_and_Submenus_Hotfixes.sql) to your Hotfixes database.
- One script to auto add a new sub category to the last category created. (Trinity_Portal_Auto_Add_Submenus_World.sql)
- One script to auto add a new sub category to a existing catégory. (Trinity_Portal_Add_Submenus_to_existing_cat_World.sql)
Features :
- Multilangual
- Auto add teleportations categories and Teleportations sub categories
Credits :