WS2812B Controller for RC plane night flying with spotlight
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- Atmel Atmega328p
- WS2812B stirp (got mine from
- 3W 12V LED
- Transistor 2N3904
- Capacitors - 10uF/25V
- Socket for Atmega
- Some servo wires
- Crystal 16MHz
- Capacitor Ceramic 22pF
- PCB of your choice
- get your isp-programmer (ex. USBasp) working, linux is your friend
- install latest Arduino IDE and drivers
- install FastLED
- FastLED from
- prepare Hardware. Ground to Ground and the rest like the schematics (comming soon).
- Upload the sketch to the Arduino with the ISP-Programmer.
- Set the switches on your RC control for the two channels.
- Power everything up.
- Enjoy your WS2812B-LED-RC-Controller
Bug and Features: Please report bugs and wishes to me. Thanks!