This project is very old, I can't guarantee it works and am not interested in updating. If you want to download music from youtube, you can use python modules yt-dlp
, eyed3
and azapi
with this script (windows):
@echo off
set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
rem allow only 1 argument
if %argC% == 1 (
cmd /V /C echo(!%*!| findstr /I "music." > nul && (
rem music
cmd /V /C echo(!%*!| findstr /I "v=" > nul && (
rem single
yt-dlp %* --no-warnings --restrict-filename --no-playlist -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail --convert-thumbnail jpg --ppa "EmbedThumbnail+ffmpeg_o:-c:v mjpeg -vf crop=\"'if(gt(ih,iw^),iw,ih^)':'if(gt(iw,ih^),ih,iw^)'\"" -o "%UserProfile%/Desktop/ymd_result/music/%%(channel)s_-_%%(track)s_%%(id)s.%%(ext)s" --exec
) || (
rem full playlist
yt-dlp %* --no-warnings --restrict-filename -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail --convert-thumbnail jpg --ppa "EmbedThumbnail+ffmpeg_o:-c:v mjpeg -vf crop=\"'if(gt(ih,iw^),iw,ih^)':'if(gt(iw,ih^),ih,iw^)'\"" -o "%UserProfile%/Desktop/ymd_result/music/%%(album)s/%%(channel)s_-_%%(track)s_%%(id)s.%%(ext)s" --exec
) || (
rem video
yt-dlp %* --no-warnings --restrict-filenames -f "bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720]" -o "%UserProfile%/Desktop/ymd_result/%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" --recode-video mp4
from sys import argv
from azapi import AZlyrics
from eyed3 import load
from eyed3.id3 import ID3_V1, Genre
from os.path import basename
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
from re import match
API = AZlyrics('google', accuracy=0.5)
tag = load(argv[1]).tag
API.artist = tag.artist
API.title = tag.title
lyrics = API.getLyrics()
video_id = match('.*_-_.*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})\\.mp3$', basename(argv[1])).group(1)
with YoutubeDL() as ydl:
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(video_id, download=False)
video_description = info_dict.get("description", None)
'Downloaded using yt-dlp\n' + video_id
+ ('\n\n' + video_description if video_description is not None else "")
if isinstance(lyrics, str): tag.lyrics.set(lyrics, "AZlyrics")
# fix yt-dlp's "" comment
tag_v1 = load(argv[1], ID3_V1).tag
tag_v1.comments[0].text = video_id
This is a python program that allows you to download music from Youtube Music with all metadata (from youtube music)
To use you need to install 3 custom modules:
- ytmusicapi (for searching and metadata)
- youtube_dl (for downloading)
- eyeD3 (for editing metadata)
pip install ytmusicapi
pip install youtube_dl
pip install eyed3
After that you can use this program