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Releases: Web-Dev-Path/web-dev-path

Version 1.3.0

08 Jun 20:40
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  • Blog page which pulls content from
  • Search functionality for blog posts
  • Styled components to Title component
  • Links to blog tags to show all posts with the same tag
  • Added XML Sitemap using getServerSideProps
  • Converting components into styled-components


  • replaced next/legacy/image with next/image
  • removed unused function in api/register.js
  • adjusted contact form message on mobile
  • blog container and title styling
  • blog card container tags overflowing
  • fix invalid next.config file

Version 1.2.0

02 Dec 05:28
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  • Made the site a Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • About page content (first section)
  • Contact us form and decoration components
  • About page "Wanna Learn More" and "How to get started?" section
  • An optional second column to TwoColumn instead of the image
  • .prettierignore file
  • husky, lint-staged to auto format with prettier on git commit
  • lint and format script to run prettier check and write on all files respectively
  • contact form functionalities (email form using sendgrid, subscription if selected, google recaptcha)
  • who we are section to about page
  • still got questions section to about page
  • Contact us cards section to contact page
  • Linkedin link to footer
  • Next.js 13


  • component file structure
  • ButtonLink.js styles
  • components folder structure
  • relative to absolute imports with aliases
  • updated to React 18 and Next.js latest
  • footer styling update + social media icons
  • improved LightHouse scores by optimizing images, creating a robots.txt file, and adding proper alt tags
  • updated 'about us' first section (our background, peer reviews, version control)
  • updated 'about us' section (our goals, our purpose)
  • updated mobile nav to automatically close when page route change is completed
  • adjust flex-basis of a few sections in the about page to better match the design file
  • removed unused imports and comments from development stage
  • prettierrc "end of line" to auto
  • .env-template to include SENDGRID_API_KEY
  • next.js warning - no stylesheets in the head component
  • CardColumns refactoring to accept an array of card objects as props
  • styles on newsletter button and contact page

Version 1.1.0

08 Jun 04:48
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  • new footer and newsletter components styling
  • TwoColumn.js component
  • decoration components
  • nav component styling and intersection API
  • CardsColumns.js and Card.js
  • footer copyright
  • Header.js component
  • useIntersect Hook, Reveal container for scrolling using intersection API
  • swipeable feature on CardsColumns.js


  • updated Next.js from 10.0.0 to 12.0.10
  • fixed scroll-x added by the layout container, adjust README
  • updated TwoColumn.js component with style props
  • updated favicon icon and add OG
  • normalized container use on components
  • normalized font sizes
  • installed yarn
  • normalized buttons' and links' styling
  • updated package.json commands for macOS
  • swipeable CardsColumns.js on mobile

Version 1.0.0

05 Feb 21:44
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  • components: Footer, Nav, Layout, and Meta
  • basic styling with Sass
  • pages (basic structure): homepage, blog, about-us, contact-us, 404
  • subscription functionality with MailChimp integration