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Bindings available by default

Alexis edited this page Oct 28, 2023 · 2 revisions

Bindings available by default

The following bindings are available by default in 0.8.0, i.e. without needing to specify them in wayfire.ini. Capital-letter representations of alphabetical keys are used for clarity; use of <shift> is not implied nor required.


Close focused window.

  • core.close_top_view = <super> + Q | <alt> + <f4>

Focus window with mouse.

  • core.focus_buttons = <mouse-left> | <mouse-middle> | <mouse-right>


The following bindings become available by default once the relevant plugin is enabled in wayfire.ini.

Change opacity by scrolling with Super + Alt.

  • alpha.modifier = <super> + <alt>

Show the current workspace row as a cube.

  • cube.activate = <ctrl> + <alt> + <mouse-left>

Show an overview of all workspaces.

  • expo.toggle = <super>

Select a workspace.

Workspaces are arranged into a grid of 3 × 3. The numbering is left to right, line by line:

⇱ k ⇲
h ⏎ l
⇱ j ⇲

See core.vwidth and core.vheight for configuring the grid.

  • expo.select_workspace_1 = 1
  • expo.select_workspace_2 = 2
  • expo.select_workspace_3 = 3
  • expo.select_workspace_4 = 4
  • expo.select_workspace_5 = 5
  • expo.select_workspace_6 = 6
  • expo.select_workspace_7 = 7
  • expo.select_workspace_8 = 8
  • expo.select_workspace_9 = 9

Simple active window switcher.

  • fast-switcher.activate = <alt> + <esc>
  • fast-switcher.activate_backward = <alt> + <shift> + <esc>

Fisheye effect.

  • fisheye.toggle = <super> + <ctrl> + F


Position the windows in certain regions of the output:

⇱ ↑ ⇲   │ 7 8 9
← f →   │ 4 5 6
⇱ ↓ ⇲ d │ 1 2 3 0
  • grid.slot_bl = <super> + <kp1>
  • grid.slot_b = <super> + <kp2>
  • grid.slot_br = <super> + <kp3>
  • grid.slot_l = <super> + <left> | <super> + <kp4>
  • grid.slot_c = <super> + <up> | <super> + <kp5>
  • grid.slot_r = <super> + <down> | <super> + <kp6>
  • grid.slot_tl = <super> + <kp7>
  • grid.slot_t = <super> + <kp8>
  • grid.slot_tr = <super> + <kp9>

Restore default.

  • grid.restore = <super> + <down> | <super> + <kp0>

Invert the colors of the whole output.

  • invert.toggle = <super> + I

Drag windows by holding down Super and left mouse button

  • move.activate = <super> + <mouse-left>

Change focused output.

Switch to the next output.

  • oswitch.next_output = <super> + O

Same with the window.

  • oswitch.next_output_with_win = <super> + <shift> + O

Resize window.

  • resize.activate = <super> + <mouse-left>

Toggle scaling.

  • scale.toggle = <super> + P

Sway-inspired tiling.

Toggle tiling mode.

  • simple-tile.key_toggle = <super> + T

Move window.

  • simple-tile.button_move = <super> + <mouse-left>

Resize window.

  • simple-tile.button_resize = <super> + <mouse-right>

Move focus to window on left.

  • simple-tile.key_focus_left = <super> + H

Move focus to window on right.

  • simple-tile.key_focus_right = <super> + L

Move focus to window above.

  • simple-tile.key_focus_above = <super> + K

Move focus to window below.

  • simple-tile.key_focus_below = <super> + J

Change active window with an animation.

  • switcher.next_view = <alt> + <tab>
  • switcher.prev_view = <alt> + <shift> + <tab>

Switch to workspace.

  • vswitch.binding_left = <ctrl> + <super> + <left>
  • vswitch.binding_down = <ctrl> + <super> + <down>
  • vswitch.binding_up = <ctrl> + <super> + <up>
  • vswitch.binding_right = <ctrl> + <super> + <right>

Move the focused window with the same key-bindings as above, but with Shift.

  • vswitch.with_win_left = <ctrl> + <super> + <shift> + <left>
  • vswitch.with_win_down = <ctrl> + <super> + <shift> + <down>
  • vswitch.with_win_up = <ctrl> + <super> + <shift> + <up>
  • vswitch.with_win_right = <ctrl> + <super> + <shift> + <right>

Rotate windows with the mouse.

2D rotation.

  • wrot.activate = <super> + <ctrl> + <mouse-right>

3D rotation.

  • wrot.activate-3d = <super> + <shift> + <mouse-right>

Remove rotation of current view.

  • wrot.reset-one = <super> + R

Remove rotation of all views.

  • wrot.reset = <super> + <ctrl> + R

Zoom in the desktop by scrolling + Super.

  • zoom.modifier = <super>