This repository contains tools for researchers and experiment designers to create, validate, and manage experiments for the Deliberation Lab. The main functionality includes a Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension for syntax highlighting, validation, and YAML schema validation of experiment configuration files (.treatments.yaml).
This VS Code extension enhances experiment design workflows by:
1. Providing syntax highlighting for .treatments.yaml files.
2. Using Zod schemas to validate experiment configurations.
3. Diagnosing errors with detailed, line-specific feedback.
4. Allowing structured YAML configuration for treatments, sequences, elements, and other experiment components.
5. Displaying useful, context-aware validation and error messages for experiment designers.
- Prompt file validation
- Timeline visualization for experiment component display
- Participant preview
In a working directory:
# download the extension from github
wget -P .
# install in vscode
code --install-extension deliberation-lab-tools-0.0.1.vsix