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Experiments in small group deliberation

Walkthrough video July 29, 2022



Folder structure

The files for the main empirica experiment are in folders:

  • server: files that run on the AWS server. This is where we handle game setup/coordination, connect to authenticated servers and handle data export.
  • client: files that run in the participant's browser.
  • empirica: configuration, state, and data files that are accessed server-side

Additional folders support the development workflow:

  • cypress: contains end-to-end tests and infrastructure to support testing. Also contains the mock CDN that supports dev workflows.
  • .github: contains scripts that get run on commits to the github repo to run tests, etc.
  • .mturk: contains templates for Mturk HITs.

The root folder contains a few loose files associated with the project as a whole.

  • Dockerfile and are both used for packaging up the project to deploy.
  • .eslintrc and .prettierrc are config files for the style checkers
  • package.json installs the packages needed for the style checkers, and provides some helpful shortcut commands.

Installing local dependencies

deliberation-empirica assumes certain dependencies prior to local development. These are:

Running npm run build without these dependencies leads to an error (e.g, docker: command not found; empirica: command not found).

[For Mac users] One easy way of installing Docker is via homebrew ( Once homebrew is installed, simply run:

brew install docker --cask

Setting up the local environment

At the root folder of deliberation-empirica, the system expects an .env file with the following structure:


Starting the server without the .env file will work, but experiments will fail without the proper API keys, GitHub repos, etc.

After installing these dependencies and setting up the local environment, you can proceed to running on dev.

Running on dev

The first time you start the environment, you need to build the etherpad container and install any project dependencies. To do this, run:

npm run build

Then, whenever you want to start the dev environment, you need to start the empirica server, the testing cdn, and the etherpad instance. To do this, type:

npm run start

This runs the script, which is only run in development.

Now that everything is set up, you can visit


Go to "New batch" and then "Custom". We specify particular parameters for each batch using a JSON object. For example, enter:

  "batchName": "labDemo",
  "treatmentFile": "projects/example/cypress.treatments.yaml",
  "dispatchWait": 1,
  "treatments": ["demo1p"]

This will set up a batch with one-player demo games.

You can then visit:


to test out the participant view.

Specifying Treatments

In general,

Treatments are specified in a .yaml file that contains all of the information needed to implement a specific experiment.


Intro sequences will be the same for all participants regardless of their treatment condition. This is a good place to include surveys and prompts that might be used to assign participants to groups or conditions.

  - name: cypress_intro
    desc: For testing with cypress
      - projects/example/
      - name: Political Leanings Survey
          - type: survey
            surveyName: PoliticalPartyUS
      - name: Test Prompts
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
          - type: separator
          - type: submitButton
            buttonText: Continue

  - name: cypress_omnibus
    desc: Cypress testing everything possible in one go.
    playerCount: 2 # number of people in the group. required
      - name: democrat
          - key: A
            comparator: greaterThan
            value: 5
          - key: B
            comparator: equals
            value: Democrat
    gameStages: # required
      - name: Qualtrics Test
        duration: 600
          - type: qualtrics
              - key: dummyData
                value: "this is it!"
      - name: Topic Survey
        duration: 60
        chatType: none
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
              - 0
              - 1
          - type: prompt
            description: shown to players 1 and 2
            file: projects/example/
              - 3
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
              - 3
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
              - 0
              - 1
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
          - type: separator
            style: thick
          - type: submitButton
            buttonText: Continue
      - name: Survey Library
        duration: 60
          - type: survey
            surveyName: ExampleSurvey
      - name: Training Video
        duration: 20
        chatType: none
          - type: video
      - name: Discussion
        duration: 10
        chatType: video
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
            displayTime: 0
            hideTime: 5
          - type: timer
            endTime: 5
            hideTime: 5
            warnTimeRemaining: 4
          - type: prompt
            file: projects/example/
            displayTime: 5
          - type: timer
            displayTime: 5
          - type: audio
            file: shared/airplane_chime.mp3
            displayTime: 5
      - TeamViability
      - ExampleSurvey
  • name gives the treatment name as it will show up in the admin console
  • desc is purely for documentation
  • playerCount is the number of people who will participate in each "game" (including treatments and discussion)
  • gameStages shows the progression that participants will take after the consent, intro screen, and video check
  • exitSurveys shows the ordered list of surveys that will be shown to participants. (These surveys are implemented and described here:

Game Stages

Within the gameStages, each stage of the game has a variety of attributes

  • name is mostly descriptive and for tracking data after the experiment
  • type indicates which components will be displayed, and can fall into the following categories
    • prompt displays text or a set of questions to the participant
    • video displays a video to the participant
    • discussion shows the videocall window and also a discussion prompt/question
  • duration is the maximum length of the stage. It defaults to just over 30 minutes.
    • For video stages, when the video has completed for all players the stage will automatically advance, so we don't need to supply a duration.
    • For prompt stages, participants may click "next" when they have finished answering the questions, and so proceed to the next stage automatically
    • Discussion stages will always last for the time specified in "duration".
  • url is the youtube URL of the video to be displayed
  • prompt can take a list of prompts to be displayed on the same page.

Code StyleCheck and Basic Debugging

This project uses Eslint to enforce coding style and automatically debug certain issues.

If not installed already, first install the ESLint VSCode extension.

Next, to install the relevant dependencies and enable linting in your local development environment, run the command npm run lint in a terminal opened at the root directory. The terminal will then display a list of current errors, if there are any.

You do not need to run this command again so long as the dependencies are still installed locally. Any files containing errors will red in the VSCode Explorer, and the code causing the errors underlined.


Empirica stores session data in ./empirica/local/tajriba.json. If there is an issue where empirica's data gets corrupted, you can clear the working database by deleting this file. Empricia will start with a fresh slate, and rebuild the file based on actions you take from then on.
