This repository contains assets served to participants in deliberation experiments.
The collection presented here is the work of a variety of authors. Unless otherwise specified in
files within subfolders, the original authors retain all rights to the materials presented.
This repo is synced to a CDN, but also provides version control for files, so that we can refer to the precise version of a file when tracing the data.
During dev, you can start this as a local webserver by running:
npx http-server --cors -a localhost -p 9090
npx http-server --cors -a -p 9090
npx serve -l 9090 --cors
In the deliberation-empirica admin, specify the cdn as:
"batchName": "demo",
"treatmentFile": "projects/example/treatments.demo.yaml",
"dispatchWait": 1,
"introSequence": "demoIntro",
"cdn": "local",
"treatments": ["demo_2p"]
- batchName name to use in filepath of saved data
- treatmentFile path relative to the root of the repository to the treatment file containing the treatments to be included in the batch. At the moment you can only use one treatment file.
- introSequence is the name of the sequence defined in treatmentFile to be shown to all participants prior to assignment to treatment condition
- treatments list of strings, each string corresponding to a treatment condition defined in the treatmentFile
- useData [true/false] whether the data collected in this batch should be preregistered and used in data analysis. Use false when testing or developing
- dispatchWait window for collecting participants before randomizing to groups, in seconds
- platformConsent [US/UK/EU] which of several pre-baked consent forms to show to participants
- consentAddendum path to a markdown file containing contents to be appended to the end of the consent form, that can be used to provide particular information about collaborating research teams.
- launchDate date at which randomization to groups can begin
- dataRepos: list of objects describing the repo, branch, and directory where data should be stored. Need to include deliberaiton-data-private as well.
"owner": "Watts-Lab",
"repo": "deliberation-data-test",
"branch": "main",
"directory": "cypress_test_exports"
//... other repos that should also get the data
- embargoThrough: a datestring after which data collected in this batch can be automatically made public
- videoStorageBucket**: path and name of an AWS S3 storage bucket for video recordings to be stored in