A web app game based on JS. Created for the purpose of learning and it was a part of the web developer bootcamp by the colt steele on the udemy.
- JavaScript
- Easy : 3 Color Box
- Hard : 6 Color Box
Default mode is hard where user have to select the right color from 6 color box
- Two Game Mode : Easy and Hard
- Provides new colors on cliking of new colors button
- Wrong Choice in the game will make that color disappear and display the message stating "Try Again"
- Guessing the right color will change all color boxes to the right one and display the message stating "Correct"
- Random RGB color will be displayed, ex: RGB(58, 82, 207)
- Depending on the mode that user selected, they have to guess the color from the displayed color boxes.
- In case of wrong color choice that perticular box will disappear.
- now users have to select the right color from the remaining ones untill they find the right one.
Gif - RGB Color Guessing Game
Image 1 - Hard Mode
Image 2 - Easy Mode
Image 3 - Wrong Choice
Image 4 - Correct Choice
Image 5 - Mobile view