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nostr opinion plugin

Client side components

This plugin uses native web components

to start dev server: npm run dev

to build: npm run build

to use on another site:

<script type="module">
	import { expertOpinions } from '/src/nostr-opinion.js';
	expertOpinions.setRelay(); // pass in optional relay url
	expertOpinions.trustedAuthors = [
	]; // optional
	expertOpinions.setReady(); // required

login component: <nostr-opinion-login></nostr-opinion-login>

opinion component: <nostr-opinion name="/android/com.mycelium.wallet/"></nostr-opinion>

Server side opinion summariser

Run on the server to compile overall sentiment of opinions

build: npm run build:summariser

example usage:

const Summariser = require('./nostr-opinion-summariser').default;

const summariser = new Summariser({
	relay: 'wss://',
	trustedAuthors: ['6a04ab98d9e4774ad806e302dddeb63bea16b5cb5f223ee77478e861bb583eb3'] // optional

await summariser.onReady();
    positive: 203,
    neutral: 123,
    negative: 28