This artifact contains all the files and scripts needed in order to reproduce the results shown in the paper. Experiments consist of two separated steps:
- the minimisation step, where the original model is first translated into a poset, which is encoded into an LTS which is then minimised by branching equivalence minimisation provided by the mCRL2 toolset;
- the model checking step, where model checking is performed over the minimised model.
In the following, we explain in detail how to reproduce results and visualise them, using the triangleRB experiment as a running example.
The artifact is provided with a Dockerfile that starts a new container with all required dependencies. To start the container, it suffices to run the script
in the main directory. After this, one can access the repository using cd Polyhedra-minimisation
All the proposed experiments are contained in the experiments
folder. All the files required to run the triangleRB example are thus contained in the experiments/triangleRB
In order to visualise results obtained running the two steps, we provide users with a PolyVisualiser
application. PolyVisualiser
accepts as input a model (in JSON format), a colour file
listing all the atomic propositions contained in the model, and an atom file, containing truth values of atomic propositions and possibly formulas.
In order to launch the PolyVisualiser
tool it suffices to access the application folder, open a terminal and launch a server. For instance, using python3
, we can run the following
python3 -m http.server
and open a browser to the page
. Once we load the required files (in our case triangleRBModel.json
, triangleRBColors.json
, triangleRBAtoms.json
we will be able to visualise the model and its properties. Using the Property menu, and selecting the Show Property option, it will be possible to visualise, by highlighting the original color of the polyhedron, where different atomic propositions or formulas hold.
First of all, we have to compile the PolyPoProject software using dotnet
. This is needed in order to transform a polyhedral model into a poset model. We can do so via the following commands:
cd scripts/PolyPoProject
dotnet publish
Minimisation of the model is performed by the
script, that takes as input a model file, performs the encoding and calls MCRL2 operations. In order to run the script, one must access the experiment folder and run it from command line. There is also the possibility to perform an optimisation on the triangle example, so we can provide the option --optimise 1
from command line. In our example:
cd ../../experiments/triangleRB
../../scripts/ --file triangleRBModel.json --optimise 1
Note that, in this case, the name of the model is dirName
+ Model.json
. This is not true in general, even if the name of the model is always in the form name
+ Model.json
. You can find the model in its example directory and change the name in the command accordingly.
The result of the execution (stored in the toolchain_output/classes
folder) will be a JSON file containing a dictionary of the equivalence classes, in the form of an array of booleans. The length of each array corresponds to the number of
states of the original poset model. Let classX
be the array of booleans representing the class labelled with X
: then classX[i] = True
if and only if the state i
is included in the class X
The JSON file can be loaded in PolyVisualiser
as an atom file, in order to graphically visualise the equivalence classes. If there is no model poset file in the experiment folder, the
script generates a model poset file (in the format experimentName_Poset.json
) that is needed to perform the encoding as an LTS and that can be used as an input for the model
checker PolyLogicA
. In our case, the generated file will be triangleRBModel_Poset.json
Finally, the toolchain script generates a polyInput_Poset.json
file, containing the minimised Kripke structure model. It is possible to run model checking on this minimised model, and to
compare results with those obtained by performing model checking on the original model.
As said, the model checker PolyLogicA
accepts as an input a model file that can be a poset or a more general Kripke structure, plus an imgql
specification. It is possible to run analysis on both the original and the minimised model
(in our example, triangleRBModel_Poset.json
and polyInput_Poset.json
First of all, it is necessary to copy the PolyLogicA
binaries in the main directory with the following commands from the main directory:
cd ../..
mkdir PolyLogicA
cp -r ~/VoxLogicA/src/bin PolyLogicA
Then we can copy the triangleRB.imgql
file, containing the actual analysis, in the PolyLogicA
cp scripts/triangleRB.imgql PolyLogicA
as well as the poset files:
cp experiments/triangleRB/triangleRBModel_Poset.json PolyLogicA
cp experiments/triangleRB/toolchain_output/minimised_model/polyInput_Poset.json PolyLogicA
The analysis contains two load
commands: one can decomment the load
command containing the poset to be analysed. For instance:
//load triangle = "triangleRBModel_Poset.json"
load triangle = "polyInput_Poset.json"
loads the minimised model.
Now we can run model checking:
cd PolyLogicA
./bin/release/net8.0/linux-x64/PolyLogicA triangleRB.imgql
The execution of these commands generates a file named result.json
, containing JSON arrays of booleans. Being prop
the array representing the property prop, prop[i] = True
and only if the property prop is true at cell i
of the polyhedral model..
While the result file generated by running analysis on the original model poset has the same number of states as the original model, this is not the case for the result file
generated by running analysis on the minimised model. To recover the results for the original model, we provide users with a
script, that takes care of aligning the number of states of
the result file with that of the original model, in such a way that it is possible to use results as an atom file in the PolyVisualiser
tool. The
script takes as input
the jsonOutputAll.json
file and the result file from the model checker, together with the name of the experiment. We can move for convenience the result file into the example directory:
mv result.json ../experiments/triangleRB
Now we can run:
cd ../scripts
python3 --classesFile ../experiments/triangleRB/toolchain_output/classes/jsonOutputAll.json --experiment triangleRB --results ../experiments/triangleRB/result.json
The script creates a directory ..experiments/triangleRB/results
containing the file originalResults.json
, namely an atom file whose size is compatible with that of the original poset model, and that thus can
be used as an atom file in the PolyVisualiser
. It is hence possible to compare the results of the model checking procedure on both the original model and the minimised one.
After completing experiments, it is possible to clean all the directories by running the following:
In order to facilitate the process of reproducing the maze experiments proposed in the paper, we also provide a python script that performs all the aforementioned steps at once. This can be run as follows from the main directory:
cd scripts
The script performs minimisation for the maze test suite, namely 3x3x3, 3x5x3, 3x5x4, 5x5x5. We can now again provide the result.json
file to the resultTransformer
tool, as an example:
python3 --classesFile ../experiments/3DMAZE_3x3x3_G1W_LC_V2/toolchain_output/classes/jsonOutputAll.json --experiment 3DMAZE_3x3x3_G1W_LC_V2 --results ../experiments/3DMAZE_3x3x3_G1W_LC_V2/result.json
We obtain a suitable atom file to be used in the PolyVisualizer
tool for comparison.
WARNING: the line that launches the experiment 3DMAZE_3x3x3_G1W_LC_V2
is commented in the file, as the experiment requires high computational resources (it runs in ~1400s on a machine equipped with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60 GHz (8 cores, 16 threads), 32GB RAM). If you want to run this experiment, you can just decomment this line.
Takes as input a model or a model poset. If the input is a model, the toolchain invokes Poly2Poset and transforms the input into a model poset. The poset is then encoded into an LTS: the procedure produces a MCRL2 file.
The MCRL2 file is then transformed into an LPS. As states' labels are recreated during the encoding process, we generate an LPSpp (pretty print) file, that allows us to enstablish a correspondence between the original states' labels and the new ones. In order to do this:
- we add a self loop with the state name to every state in the form st_(state_label);
- we produce the lpspp;
- we check for lines starting with st to recover the state label and get the correspondent inner state.
In order to preserve minimisation, all the self loops labelled with the state names must be removed. We thus invoke the renamelps command to transform all these self loops into tau transitions. These will be removed by minimising the LTS.
We now produce the minimised LTS and create JSon files that serve as input for the PolyVisualiser. Finally, we create a LaTeX table containing execution times.
Recap: in order to get a minimised model, the user must only provide a model file (in JSon format) OR a model poset file (also in JSon format) and a filename with *.tex extension, indicating the latex table to be generated at the end of the process.
Output files are organised in subfolders. /toolchain_output contains all the intermediate files, plus two subfolders:
- minimised_model contains the minimised output;
- classes contains the JSon files in the PolyVisualiser format.
In order to get a result file containing the right number of states, we wrote a resultTransformer script. It takes as input the result of the model checking procedure and the JSon files generated by the toolchain. The script parses the results and computes the or of all the classes where a formula is true, recovering them from the JSon files. The obtained files, stored in the folder /toolchain_output/results, can be now used to visualise the result of the model checking procedure in PolyVisualiser.
After any experiment, we can run the utility script
to remove all the ouput directories of previous experiments.