LIBff60817 maven-push.gradle detectable by GitHub Linguist library
LIBff50817 .gitattributes file for GitHub Linguist library added
LIBff40817 Groovydocs added
LIBff30817 Ant Build file for groovydoc added
LIBcc20817 isAndroid() check added to MavenPush Class methods
LIBff20817 "var" Gradle Android Artifact support
LIBff10817 *.cpp and *.groovy files support
LIBcc10817 Cleaning
LIBff10816 Pull request from EasyDokkaPlugin
LIBcc30816 Inspection
LIBcc20816 Documenting
LIBcc10815 Documenting
LIBcc50814 update
LIBcc40814 downloadLib(...) method update
LIBcc10814 downloadLib(...) method update
LIBff10814 Process AAR dependencies
LIBbb10814 Sets the artifacts base file name to match the artifact ID in any case
LIBff10808 dokka tasks merged
LIBff90807 sources tasks merged
LIBff80807 apklib tasks merged
LIBff60807 MavenPushInitializer Class added
LIBcc20807 isAndroid() added
LIBbb10807 Can't find isAndroid()
LIBff50807 MavenPushUtils Class added
LIBff40807 InvalidUserDataException class added
LIBff30807 Move getJavaAPISpecificationLink(...) to MavenPush Class
LIBff20807 Move MavenPush Class out
LIBff10807 Refactoring
LIBff40806 compileOnly excluded from fatjar
LIBbb30806 GROUP
default values updated
LIBcc30806 static pomFinalizer(...) added
added to add "Main-Class" attribute to Android's "var", "jar" and "fatjar" MANIFEST.MF
LIBff20806 non-Android fatjar manifest update
LIBcc10805 "Our other pligins" section added
LIBbb10805 isAndroid() checks added
You can’t perform that action at this time.