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Road map

Mike Madern edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

Road map

Created February 8, 2018
Updated February 8, 2018

What are the goals of the Vleks SDK?

  1. Support all the supported PHP versions.
  2. Always favor clean syntax and simple solutions instead of messy syntax and complex solutions.

Git workflow

Vleks uses the same Git workflow described at

Features under construction

These are not assigned to a specific version, but they will likely be included sometime in the future.

  • Push new orders to Vleks

Project history

Version 2.1.0 (Released February 8, 2018)

  • Adding List Count endpoints to fetch amount of Products and Orders
  • Create Mock objects to enhance development with fixed responses

Version 2.0.0 (Released February 8, 2018)

  • Updated the Order Details
  • Expanded exception management
  • Updated authentication to match new API requirements
  • Added retries on service failure

Version 1.0.0 (Released February 2, 2018)

  • Initial test coverage
  • Establish version numbering system
  • Initial SDK requirements
  • Order endpoints
  • Shipment endpoints
  • Product endpoints