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Supported Languages

danwalmsley edited this page Jan 29, 2017 · 7 revisions

Supported Languages

This is a brief list of currently supported languages that the editor recognizes and languages that are planned to be supported.

  • C++: This was the first language to be supported and is the language that AvalonStudio focuses on most. C++ support is in master. C++ has rich language services powered by Clang, and has debugger support for GDB.
  • C#: Work is in progress, but C# is not yet usable. This is currently in master.
  • XML/XAML: Not implemented, but planned.
  • JSON: Not yet implemented, but planned.
  • D: Work in progress.
  • TypeScript: TypeScript is now quite usable in the IDE! Building is supported through tsc, and running is supported through IridiumJS (a fork of JINT), but debugging is not yet supported. To get started with TypeScript, install Node.js and the TypeScript compiler: npm install -g typescript.