Releases: VisActor/VStory
Releases · VisActor/VStory
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vstory: support selector array
- @visactor/vstory-core: support highlight inverse select
- @visactor/vstory-core: support selector array
- @visactor/vstory-core: suppprt Arc/Polygon Component
- @visactor/vstory-core: support table animate
- @visactor/vstory-player: support table animate
What's Changed
- docs: add two infographic demos by @kkxxkk2019 in #197
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.22 by @github-actions in #200
- fix: fix issue with cover url by @neuqzxy in #201
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.21 by @github-actions in #202
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.22 by @github-actions in #203
- Feat/support vtable by @xuefei1313 in #194
- feat: support highlight inverse select by @neuqzxy in #195
- feat: support selector array by @neuqzxy in #207
- feat: enhance effect for typewriter by @neuqzxy in #196
- feat: support table animate by @neuqzxy in #208
- Fix/animate tickto by @neuqzxy in #210
- Feat/support vtable by @xuefei1313 in #211
- feat: add theme & label format by @xuefei1313 in #213
- Feat/support arc and polygon by @xiaoluoHe in #209
- Feat/editor by @neuqzxy in #212
- feat: add table infographic templage by @xiaoluoHe in #214
- feat: access shape selection by @neuqzxy in #215
- Feat/proportional scaling by @neuqzxy in #216
- Feat/edit image by @neuqzxy in #217
- Feat/vchart graphic support update spec by @xuefei1313 in #220
- Feat/table runtime by @purpose233 in #221
- Feat/hover control by @neuqzxy in #219
- feat: support snap while rotate by @neuqzxy in #218
- feat: support plugin service by @neuqzxy in #223
- Feat/upgrade vrender 0.22.0 vstory.5 by @neuqzxy in #224
- Fix/vr tick hack by @neuqzxy in #228
- feat: upgrade vrender and vchart by @neuqzxy in #229
- [Auto release] release 0.0.23 by @github-actions in #230
New Contributors
- @kkxxkk2019 made their first contribution in #197
Full Changelog: v0.0.21...v0.0.23
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vstory: change runtime logic about get the character config
- @visactor/vstory-core: enhance vchart animate arrange
- @visactor/vstory-core: add arrange demo, support line growPoint animate
- @visactor/vstory-core: change runtime logic about get the character config
- @visactor/vstory-core: enhance scaleXY auto to support resize canvas wh
- @visactor/vstory-animate: add arrange demo, support line growPoint animate
- @visactor/vstory-player: support highlight action for vchart
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vstory: fix issue with image background
- @visactor/vstory-core: fix issue with image background
- @visactor/vstory-core: fix issue with chart blur not clear
What's Changed
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.17 by @github-actions in #161
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.18 by @github-actions in #162
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.19 by @github-actions in #163
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.20 by @github-actions in #165
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.20 by @github-actions in #166
- docs: national-memorial docs set play to -1 by @neuqzxy in #167
- Feat/gauge and word cloud by @xile611 in #168
- Feat/character runtime optimization by @xuefei1313 in #154
- docs: add templates by @youngwinds in #171
- Demo/infographic sr by @Rui-Sun in #170
- feat: support auto scaleX/scaleY by @xiaoluoHe in #172
- [Auto release] release 0.0.21 by @github-actions in #173
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.21 by @github-actions in #174
- docs: add clipped image demo by @xiaoluoHe in #175
- fix: resource url by @xiaoluoHe in #177
- chore: add demos by @purpose233 in #182
- feat: support highlight action for vchart by @xiaoluoHe in #169
- fix: fix issue with chart blur not clear by @neuqzxy in #185
- fix: fix issue with image background by @neuqzxy in #186
- feat: enhance scaleXY auto to support resize canvas wh by @neuqzxy in #187
- Feat/runtime series mark by @xuefei1313 in #184
- fix: fix the type error of runtime by @xuefei1313 in #189
- chore: create bugserver entry by @Rui-Sun in #190
- feat: enhance vchart animate arrange by @neuqzxy in #188
- Docs/demo fit by @neuqzxy in #192
- docs: set docs cover image by @neuqzxy in #193
- fix: fix issue with external package build error by @neuqzxy in #198
- [Auto release] release 0.0.22 by @github-actions in #199
New Contributors
- @xile611 made their first contribution in #168
- @Rui-Sun made their first contribution in #170
- @purpose233 made their first contribution in #182
Full Changelog: v0.0.20...v0.0.22
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vstory-core: support
for scaleX/scaleY in initParams
What's Changed
- feat: add single bar and pie templates by @skie1997 in #152
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.19 by @github-actions in #157
- Docs/update infographic demo size by @xiaoluoHe in #158
- docs: rename title of code demo by @xiaoluoHe in #159
- Feat/national memorial by @neuqzxy in #160
- [Auto release] release 0.0.20 by @github-actions in #164
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.17...v0.0.20
What's Changed
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.16 by @github-actions in #139
- docs: fix document errors by @neuqzxy in #140
- fix: issue with unit-template animate caused by time by @neuqzxy in #141
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.16 by @github-actions in #142
- [Auto release] release 0.0.17 by @github-actions in #143
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.17 by @github-actions in #144
- feat: support poptip and label-item by @neuqzxy in #145
- Add Demo of bar chart and pie chart by @666haiwen in #146
- Docs/poptip label item by @neuqzxy in #148
- Docs/infographic bar hiv by @xuefei1313 in #147
- [Auto release] release 0.0.18 by @github-actions in #149
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.18 by @github-actions in #150
- docs: add infographic demo: bar industry stability by @xuefei1313 in #151
- docs: add Sprint Burndown and Client Breakdown template by @fangsmile in #153
- docs: add animation to infographic demo by @xiaoluoHe in #155
- [Auto release] release 0.0.19 by @github-actions in #156
New Contributors
- @666haiwen made their first contribution in #146
- @fangsmile made their first contribution in #153
Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.19
What's Changed
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.16 by @github-actions in #139
- docs: fix document errors by @neuqzxy in #140
- fix: issue with unit-template animate caused by time by @neuqzxy in #141
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.16 by @github-actions in #142
- [Auto release] release 0.0.17 by @github-actions in #143
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.17 by @github-actions in #144
- feat: support poptip and label-item by @neuqzxy in #145
- Add Demo of bar chart and pie chart by @666haiwen in #146
- Docs/poptip label item by @neuqzxy in #148
- Docs/infographic bar hiv by @xuefei1313 in #147
- [Auto release] release 0.0.18 by @github-actions in #149
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.18 by @github-actions in #150
- docs: add infographic demo: bar industry stability by @xuefei1313 in #151
- docs: add Sprint Burndown and Client Breakdown template by @fangsmile in #153
- docs: add animation to infographic demo by @xiaoluoHe in #155
- [Auto release] release 0.0.19 by @github-actions in #156
New Contributors
- @666haiwen made their first contribution in #146
- @fangsmile made their first contribution in #153
Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.18
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vstory: issue with unit-template animate caused by time
- @visactor/vstory-templates: issue with unit-template animate caused by time
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vstory-external: support dynamic line chart and single pie
What's Changed
- docs: support contributing for vstory by @neuqzxy in #126
- fix: add vstory-external to resolve alias by @xuefei1313 in #127
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.15 by @github-actions in #125
- Chore/vite config by @xiaoluoHe in #128
- docs: update document by @neuqzxy in #129
- docs: support chart join by @neuqzxy in #132
- docs: add chart-join gif by @neuqzxy in #133
- feat: add venn infographic demo by @xiaoluoHe in #130
- feat: support auto bounds mode in vchart-graphic by @xuefei1313 in #131
- Feat/export video by @neuqzxy in #134
- fix: fix issue with loop by @neuqzxy in #135
- Feat/dynamic line by @neuqzxy in #136
- chore: add change log by @neuqzxy in #137
- [Auto release] release 0.0.16 by @github-actions in #138
Full Changelog: v0.0.15...v0.0.16
What's Changed
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.14 by @github-actions in #118
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v0.0.14 by @github-actions in #119
- docs: add line-chart infographic by @xiaoluoHe in #120
- Docs/tutorial update by @neuqzxy in #121
- docs: update document by @neuqzxy in #122
- fix: fix canvas size while create by container by @neuqzxy in #123
- [Auto release] release 0.0.15 by @github-actions in #124
Full Changelog: v0.0.14...v0.0.15
What's Changed
- feat(scene4-scen5): add scatter chart to scene4 & add scene5 by @xiaoluoHe in #1
- feat: scene7-scene8 by @xiaoluoHe in #2
- Feat/edit by @neuqzxy in #3
- feat: support zindex by @neuqzxy in #4
- feat: support scene delay by @neuqzxy in #5
- Feat/image by @neuqzxy in #6
- Feat/vstory scene6 init by @youngwinds in #7
- feat: support playground by @neuqzxy in #10
- feat: set sto time to 1000 by @neuqzxy in #11
- Feat/scene9-scene12 by @xiaoluoHe in #9
- fix: shadow root is not loaded by @xiaoluoHe in #12
- fix: fix issue with chart isBaseOpacity attr by @neuqzxy in #13
- feat: story support playerOption by @neuqzxy in #14
- docs: update site docs by @neuqzxy in #15
- Docs/site by @neuqzxy in #16
- docs: update cover image by @neuqzxy in #17
- docs: set http to https by @neuqzxy in #19
- fix: fix issue with visible for disappear by @neuqzxy in #20
- Release/0.0.2 by @neuqzxy in #21
- feat: support shapeComponent & add infographic demo by @xiaoluoHe in #22
- Release/0.0.3 by @neuqzxy in #23
- fix: update workspace versions by @mengxi-ream in #24
- Feat/example enhance by @neuqzxy in #26
- Feat/series processor by @neuqzxy in #27
- Feat/component action by @neuqzxy in #28
- Feat/vchart component appear action by @xiaoluoHe in #30
- feat: support image shape text by @neuqzxy in #29
- feat: component support visibility by @neuqzxy in #31
- Fix/chart fade action by @xiaoluoHe in #32
- Feat/vchart site 8 13 by @neuqzxy in #33
- feat: upgrade vrender to 0.19.24-alpha.2 by @neuqzxy in #34
- Feat/play loop by @neuqzxy in #35
- Fix/vchart site by @neuqzxy in #36
- refactor: scene1-scene7 by @xiaoluoHe in #37
- Fix/vchart site by @neuqzxy in #38
- refactor: rename transform file name by @neuqzxy in #39
- Refactor/scene1 scene7 by @xiaoluoHe in #40
- feat: support common bounce action by @xiaoluoHe in #42
- fix: update action type by @xiaoluoHe in #43
- Fix/vchart site by @neuqzxy in #44
- feat: optmize final visactor demo by @neuqzxy in #45
- Release/0.0.5 by @neuqzxy in #46
- feat: update doc by @neuqzxy in #47
- feat: character id support array by @neuqzxy in #48
- feat: support ranking bar by @xiaoluoHe in #49
- Feat/payload list by @neuqzxy in #50
- Feat/richtext editor by @neuqzxy in #51
- Fix/controller by @neuqzxy in #52
- feat: support image shape edit controller by @neuqzxy in #53
- fix: demo page flex css style by @xiaoluoHe in #55
- fix: upgrade vrender to 0.20.1-alpha.5, fix issue with zero duration … by @neuqzxy in #57
- fix: fix issue with scene startTime by @neuqzxy in #58
- Feat/optimization vchart graphic by @xuefei1313 in #18
- fix: fix the bugs of vchart render key & vchart picker by @xuefei1313 in #59
- fix: fix the bugs of vchart render pick by @xuefei1313 in #60
- docs: add ranking-bar demo by @xiaoluoHe in #61
- feat: support pass canvas by @neuqzxy in #62
- chore: upgrade vchart & vrender, release alpha version by @xiaoluoHe in #63
- feat: add unit component by @mengxi-ream in #54
- Pre release/0.0.8 alpha.1 by @xiaoluoHe in #65
- docs: adjust demo menu by @xiaoluoHe in #66
- Feat/api support by @neuqzxy in #68
- Fix/render key and vchart pick by @xuefei1313 in #67
- Feat/edit enhance by @neuqzxy in #69
- fix: fix issue with visibalAll in chart by @neuqzxy in #70
- feat: support view in layer by @neuqzxy in #71
- Feat/update spec position by @xiaoluoHe in #72
- feat: enhance layer clip by @neuqzxy in #73
- fix: fix issue with sort of startEdit and endEdit by @neuqzxy in #74
- feat: optimization vchart graphic by @xuefei1313 in #75
- fix: set graphic position before check vchart bounds change by @xuefei1313 in #76
- feat: expand vchart graphic bounds by @xuefei1313 in #77
- Fix/shape selection by @neuqzxy in #78
- fix: fix issue with chart rotate by @neuqzxy in #79
- Fix/text drag by @neuqzxy in #80
- Refactor/config rename by @neuqzxy in #81
- fix: release character while removed from vstory by @neuqzxy in #82
- chore: delete unnecessary code by @mengxi-ream in #85
- feat: add series mark selection by @xuefei1313 in #83
- Feat/component selector by @neuqzxy in #86
- fix: fix issue where set zindex doesn't take effect by @neuqzxy in #87
- feat: optmize the experience of text edting by @neuqzxy in #88
- fix: fix issue with text and mark edit by @neuqzxy in #89
- Feat/part canvas by @neuqzxy in #91
- docs: add Japanese README by @eltociear in #90
- Feat/mark style by @neuqzxy in #92
- feat: support pick vchart in empty space by @neuqzxy in #93
- Feat/weather by @neuqzxy in #94
- feat: reset old example by @neuqzxy in #95
- feat: add en docs by @neuqzxy in #96
- [Auto release] release 0.0.8 by @github-actions in #97
- [Auto release] release 0.0.10 by @github-actions in #98
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.10 by @github-actions in #99
- [Auto release] release 0.0.11 by @github-actions in #100
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.11 by @github-actions in #101
- [Auto release] release 0.0.12 by @github-actions in #102
- [Auto Sync] Sync the code from branch main to branch develop after release 0.0.12 by @github-actions in #103
- Feat/tutorials by @neuqzxy in #104
- Chore: optimize develop workflow by @xiaoluoHe in #105
- Feat/vstory next by @neuqzxy in #106
- feat: support document for vstory-external by @neuqzxy in #107
- feat: add test changelog by @neuqzxy in #108
- [Auto release] release 0.0.13 by @github-actions in #109
- feat: upgrade docs, add vstory-external into vstory by @neuqzxy in #110
- chore: reset release branch to develop by @neuqzxy in #113
- chore: update release workflow add vstory-external by @neuqzxy in #114
- fix: updte version-policies by @neuqzxy in #116
- [Auto release] r...