This library provides some handy extensions, functions and features to aid you in your callback needful.
A counted callback is a bit like a countdown latch. You create it with a known value (N) and a callback function. When the callback is called N times it will call the callback function supplied upon creation. Here's an example:
var callbacks = require('callback-utils');
var countedCallback = callbacks.createCountedCallback(10, function(collatedError, paramsArray)
// collatedError is an Error object with all of underlying error object messages concatenated. In this example,
// the message will be
// Help me
// I'm falling
// paramsArray is an array of arrays. Each array corresponds to the non-error parameters passed to the counted
// callback function. In this example, the array is:
// [
// ['hello', 'world'],
// ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
// ]
countedCallback(new Error('Help me'));
countedCallback(undefined, 'hello', 'world');
countedCallback(new Error("I'm falling");
countedCallback(undefined, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');
It's important to know that if you rely on a counted callback then you rely on callers to ensure that the counted callback is invoked N times, otherwise the real callback function is never called.
Counted callbacks are handy for event-style programming where there's a workflow. In other words, before progressing to stage N+1, all listeners to stage N events have a chance to execute asynchronously. For example, consider a system that downloads a file and allows listeners to check the contents before writing it to disk:
var result = new Future();
var fileContents = downloadFileFromSomeWhere(fileName);
self.emit('fileDownloaded', fileContents,
callbacks.createCountedCallback(self.listeners('fileDownloaded').length, writeFileToDisk));
return result;
function writeFileToDisk(collatedError)
if (collatedError)
// Write file to disk.
future.fulfill(undefined, fileLocation);
The listeners might look like this:
downloadThingy.on('fileDownloaded', function(fileContents, next)
checkFileContentsAsyncrhonously(fileContents, function(err)
// You could just stick next as the parameter to the checkFileContentsAsyncrhonously function but this is
// here for illustrative purposes...
You can chain multiple such listeners together and be sure that the download thingy would never write its file to disk until after all listeners have had their wicked ways with the file contents.