This Virus is a proof of concept, deactivated and for educational purposes only!
The virus is a node.js based virus, build to infect all node.js applications on the computer, which depend on express webservers.
It will infect the express server of the application by adding one line of code. This line injects a http header to detect the infected webserver ("Acccess-Control-Allow-Origin"). This header will be send with every server response. To call the virus, just send get request to any route of the webserver with the header "origin-header". It will respond with "Yes i am hacked" and executes a "ls -la" command on unix based systems.
To test the virus, edit the varriable "debugPath" in "srh-group-f/libs/spreading/walker/index.js" and change it to a path where a simple node.js server is located. A example express server for a test:
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('Hello World') }); app.listen(3000);
{ "name": "express-1", "description": "express-test-server-1", "main": "index.js", "dependencies": { "express": "4.14.0" } }
A generated documentation on the Page:
The idea of making a node.js based virus is based on a proof of concept by Matthias Gattermeier:
Made by Group F from the SRH University Heidelberg Germany.