Banggood is an Ecommerce-website which also deals with electronics items. It was a group project with a team of 6 members.
HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript and react.js LocalStorage
- Vijay Singh
- Suraj pawar
- Bhushan Taru
- Sheetal Suman
- Login/SignUp
- Home Page
- Product Pages
- Product details page.
- Checkout pages.
- On Home Page user can use the Navbar to navigate through the website.
- Once the user has logged in, they are taken back to the Landing Page.
- On the Home page, the user can navigate to the following categories : Womens, Mens,
- On the Product's page, the user can sort/filter all the product through colours,category and prices.
- On clicking Each product in Mens/Womens section it will redirect to the single product Page which will provide the option to add/remove the product from the cart with all its details.
- If the user clicks on the add to cart, product will be added.and the button's functionality will change to remove from cart.
- In Shopping Bag page
- The user can remove a product from the shopping bag.
- Change the quantity of the product.
- Total of all the products will be displayed
On proceeding to Checkout, the user is asked to.
- Fill their address and contact details
- Select a Shipping Method
- Enter their Credit/Debit card details
- Place the Order wif coupon code
- React-router-Dom @v6
- React-Bootstrap
- React Icons
- Local Storage
- Javascript
- Context-Api
- React.Js