SMesh is a sensor mesh network ("smesh") that performs long duration environmental sensing for sustainability research at Stanford.
A smesh node (or "snode") consists of a sensor payload plus a Meshtastic board that can relay readings using long range LoRa radio.
is a Python package that contains all dependencies and code to read from snodes.
Files are organized into three directories:
- One-off scripts go into
- Reusable code that scripts can import go into
- Tests for reusable code go into
To run any Python code:
- Install Poetry by following
- Enter the package you're using, e.g.
cd snode
- Install the Python dependencies the code needs, i.e.
poetry install
- Run a Python script, i.e.
poetry run python PATH/TO/SCRIPT.PY
Snodes run a stable version of Meshtastic firmware with small modifications.
To access this firmware:
- Clone the firmware fork, i.e.
git clone
- Follow to set up PlatformIO, a tool to build firmware from source.
Note: at step 3, pick
from the list of options given.