Realization of a car racing video game in C++ with Irrlicht engine in 2 weeks.
A MVC architecture is used to allow independence of the different scenes (menu, game...).
- Linux
- Language : C++ 14
- GUI : Irrlicht 1.8.4
- Compilation : Cmake & Makefile
- Open a terminal
- Go to the root directory, and execute :
./ && cmake . && make
- Executable "cpp_indie_studio" will be generated at the root of the directory.
- Main menu
- Selection of 5 cars
- Selection of 2 course areas
- Selection of 2 view modes
- Split view (one view for each users (2 users) and a view for the map)
- No split view
- Score menu
- Power up
- Life (recover a part of HP)
- Speed charge (Car can use a boost of speed)
- Malus
- Bomb (lost a part of HP)
- Physics of cars
Valentin Montagne
Antoine Caffier
Charles des Pommare
Vianney Doleans
Antoine Foret
Guillaume Bouxin