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Initial setup

  1. Install .NET 7.0 SDK
  2. Install Node.js 20.11.1

Running the project

  1. Start the docker container with docker compose up -d
  2. Run migrations with dotnet ef database update
  3. Have fun!

User Roles

  • Farmer: Manages land and requires help in dealing with invasive species
  • Helper: Individuals or organizations that wish to help farmers in dealing with invasive species

Data models

  • User:

    • Id:
    • Role: One of [Farmer, Helper]
    • Email: Email of the user
    • Password: Hashed password of the user
    • FirstName: First name of the user
    • LastName: Last name of the user
  • FarmerHelpRequest: contains all details about the farmer's request for help

    • Id:
    • OwnerId: Reference to the User who created the offer
    • Location: Address of the farm text local and coordinates (acquired from some external api)
    • WorkVolume: The amount of work to be done in half day increments
    • NumberOfHelpers: The number of people that the farmer is willing to welcome
    • InvasiveSpeciesTypes: List of invasive species that the farmer wishes to remove
  • HelperHelpOffer: Contains all the details about the helpers offer to help farmers

    • Id:
    • OwnerId: Reference to the User who created the offer
    • Location: Address around which the helper wishes to find work
    • DistanceFromLocation: Distance in km within which the helper is willing to travel
    • WorkVolume: The amount of work to be done in half day increments
    • NumberOfHelpers: The number of people that the farmer is willing to welcome
  • Negotiation: Contains the status of a negotiation between a Farmer and a Helper

    • Id:
    • DateCreated: Date when the negotiation was created
    • InitiatedByUser: Reference to the User who initiated the negotiation
    • FarmerHelpRequest: reference to the FarmerHelpRequest subject to negotiation
    • HelperHelpOffer: reference to the HelperHelpOffer subject to negotiation
    • FarmerStatus: negotiation approval status on the side of the farmer one of [PENDING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED]
    • HelperStatus: negotiation approval status on the side of the farmer one of [PENDING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED]
  • InvasiveSpeciesType:

    • Id:
    • Name: Name of the invasive species
    • Description: Description of the invasive species
    • ImageUrl: URL to an image of the invasive species



  • Upgrade to .net8


  • Authentication
  • Creation of post
    • farmer help request
    • helper help offer
  • Negotiation
    • Creation based on a request or offer
    • Management and conclusion


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