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Allows you to easily give access to main methods from the renderer process


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Electron main-renderer bridge (emr-bridge)

Only for Electron
JS library for easily providing access to the main from the renderer process

Table of contents


npm i emr-bridge


If you need CommonJS modules, then use emr-bridge/cjs

There are three ways to use

In any of the cases, you need to insert this code into preload

// Preload process
import { provideFromMain } from 'emr-bridge'

provideFromMain(true /* context isolation */)

To use experimental non-static decorators, it is required to wrap the creation of a class instance in the providePublic function

// Main process
import { providePublic } from 'emr-bridge/exp'

class MainPublic { /*...*/ }

const instance = providePublic(new MainPublic())

All experimental decorators can be found in emr-bridge/exp

Static methods and properties

Use publicMethod/publicProperty/publicGetter/publicSetter.

// Main process
import { publicMethod, publicProperty, publicGetter, publicSetter, Access } from 'emr-bridge'

class User {
  private static name = 'Name'
  private static age = 20
  private static money = 1000
  static get balance(): string {
    return `${}$`
  static set balance(newBalance: string) { = Number(newBalance.split('$')[0])
    name: 'userInfo',
    access: Access.get
  static get info(): string {
    return `Name: '${}'; Age: '${this.age}'; Money: '${}';`

  static id = 'ID_AJWD3KLW23DK231K'
  static setName(newName: string): void { = newName
  static getAge(): number {
    return this.age

Methods and properties

Use publicMethod/publicProperty/publicGetter/publicSetter.

// Main process
import { publicMethod, publicProperty, publicGetter, publicSetter, Access } from 'emr-bridge'

class User {
  private name = 'Name'
  private age = 20
  private money = 1000

  id = 'ID_AJWD3KLW23DK231K'
  get balance(): string {
    return `${}$`
  set balance(newBalance: string) { = Number(newBalance.split('$')[0])
    name: 'userInfo',
    access: Access.get
  get info(): string {
    return `Name: '${}'; Age: '${this.age}'; Money: '${}';`
  setName(newName: string): void { = newName
  getAge(): number {
    return this.age

const user = new User()

Functions and variables

Use publicFunction and publicVariable.

// Main process
import { publicFunction, publicVariable } from 'emr-bridge'

publicFunction('sayHello', sayHello)
publicFunction('getUserName', getName)
publicVariable('count', {
  get(): number {
    return count
  set(value: number) {
    count = value

let count = 0

const user = {
  name: 'Name',
  age: 20

function sayHello(name: string): string {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`

function getName(): string {


In order to set a specific scope, use the scope property.

Accessing an entity outside the specified scope will result in an error being thrown.

// Main process

// static and non-static
import { Scope, Access, publicMethod, publicGetter } from 'emr-bridge'

class User {
  private static age = 20
  private name = 'Name'
    scope: Scope.preload,
    access: Access.get
  get count(): number {
    return 30
  @publicMethod({ scope: Scope.preload })
  static getAge(): number {
    return this.age
    name: 'getUserName',
    scope: Scope.renderer
  getName(): string {

new User()
// Main process
// functions and variables
import { publicFunction, publicVariable, Scope } from 'emr-bridge'

publicFunction('getName', getName, [Scope.preload])
publicVariable('count', {
  get(): number {
    return count
  set(value: number) {
    count = value
}, [Scope.renderer])

let count = 0

function getName(): string {
  return 'Name'

By default, the entity is available in any scope.
Using an entity outside the specified scope will cause an error.

Restricting access to variables

// Main process
// static and non-static
import { publicGetter, Access } from 'emr-bridge'

class User {
  private static name = 'Name'
  private static surname = 'Surname'
  @publicGetter({ access: Access.get })
  static get fullName(): string {
    return `${} ${this.surname}`
    name: 'userAge',
    access: Access.get
  get age(): number {
    return 20

new User()
// Main process
// for variables
import { publicVariable } from 'emr-bridge'

publicVariable('count', {
  // get access
  get(): number {
    return count
  // set access
  set(value: number) {
    count = value

let count = 0

Access from renderer and preload

For preload, use Main

// Preload process
import { Main, provideFromMain } from 'emr-bridge/preload'


interface IProvidedPublic {
  getUserName(): string
  setUserAge(newAge: number): void
  count: number

const main =<IProvidedPublic>()


For renderer, use Bridge

// Renderer process
import { Bridge } from 'emr-bridge/renderer'

interface IProvidedPublic {
  getUserName(): string
  setUserAge(newAge: number): void
  count: number

const bridge =<IProvidedPubic>()



The library also allows you to pass Promises from main to renderer

// Main process
import { publicFunction } from 'emr-bridge'

publicFunction('delay1s', () => {
  return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
// Renderer process
import { Bridge } from 'emr-bridge/renderer'

interface IPublic {
  delay1s(): Promise<void>

const bridge =<IPublic>()

bridge.delay1s().then(() => console.log('After 1 second'))

Events system

If the event source is the main process

// Main process
import { publicMainEvent, publicClassMainEvent } from 'emr-bridge'

const tickWithReceiver = publicMainEvent('tickWithReceiver', () => (new Date().toTimeString()))
setInterval(tickWithReceiver, 1000)

// Or
const tick = publicMainEvent('tick')
setInterval(() => tick(new Date().toTimeString()), 1000)

// The passed function receives the argument passed to the event and returns the value passed to the renderer process
const pay = publicMainEvent('pay', (count: number) => `${count} $`)
pay(200) // Send the string '200 $' to the renderer process

// Or with classes
class MainPublicEvents {
  tick() {}

  tickWithReceiver() { return new Date().toTimeString() }

  pay(count: number) { return `${count} $` }
const events = new MainPublicEvents()
setInterval(events.tickWithReceiver, 1000)
setInterval(() => events.tick(new Date().toTimeString()), 1000)
// Renderer process
import { Bridge, MainEvent } from 'emr-bridge/renderer'

interface IPublic {
  onTick: MainEvent<string>
  onTickWithReceiver: MainEvent<string>
  onPay: MainEvent<string>

const bridge =<IPublic>()
// on + Capitalize<EventName>
bridge.onTick(time => `Time from tick: ${console.log(time)}`)
bridge.onTickWithReceiver(time => `Time from receiver: ${console.log(time)}`)
bridge.onPay(count => `Dollars: ${count}`)

If the event source is the renderer process

// Main process
import { publicRendererEvent, publicClassRendererEvent, RendererEvent } from 'emr-bridge'

const onMessage = publicRendererEvent<string>('onMessage'/* or 'message' */)
onMessage(message => console.log(message))

// With receiver
const onMessageWithReceiver = publicRendererEvent('onMessageWithReceiver', (message: string) => `Message: ${message}`)
onMessageWithReceiver(message => console.log(message))

// Classes
class RendererPublicEvents {
  onMessage!: RendererEvent<string>

  @publicClassRendererEvent((message: string) => `Message: ${message}`)
  onMessageWithReceiver!: RendererEvent<string>
const events = new RendererPublicEvents()
events.onMessage(message => console.log(message))
events.onMessageWithReceiver(message => console.log(message))
// Renderer process
import { Bridge } from 'emr-bridge/renderer'

interface IPublic {
  message(message: string): void
  messageWithReceiver(message: string): void

const bridge =<IPublic>()
// Uncapitalize<EventNameWithoutON>
bridge.message('Message from renderer')
bridge.messageWithReceiver('Hello, main process')

NOTE: The transmitted value can be Promise. In this case, the receiving party will wait for it to resolve and only then will call the handler


Allows you to easily give access to main methods from the renderer process





