A desktop and mobile DRC Sim (gamepad) client.
The server backend, DRC Sim Server, is required.It handles the pairing and communication with the Wii U then creates a server for the client.
- Desktop (Windows/OS X/Linux/Java enabled Toaster)
- Android
- iOS - It will need to be built from source.
DRC Sim Server uses a Gradle build system.
./gradlew desktop:dist
Output: ./desktop/build/libs/desktop-<version>.jar
// Please note that on macOS your drc-sim-client needs to be started with the -XstartOnFirstThread JVM argument
eg. java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar desktop-1.0.jar
./gradlew android:assembleRelease
Output: ./android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk
./gradlew ios:createIPA
Output: ./ios/build/robovm/IOSLauncher.ipa
drc-sim (original) by [memahaxx]
- The original Python codebase
drc-sim-keyboard by justjake
- The readme that got me set up initially
libGDX Java game development framework
RoboVM Java bytecode to machine code compiler
Guava Google Core Libraries for Java