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Mediarr for Home Assistant (inspired by upcoming media card)
This integration provides services to interact with Overseerr/Jellyseerr. While the various trending/discover sensors and frontend card are optional, the base seer sensor is required to enable the services.
To use the seer request services, add this to your configuration.yaml:
url: your_seerr_url
api_key: !secret seer_api_key
and for sensors:
- platform: mediarr
url: your_seerr_url
api_key: your_api_key
- Open HACS
- Go to "Integrations"
- Click the three dots menu and select "Custom repositories"
- Add this repository URL and select "Integration" as the category
- Click "Add"
- Find and install "Mediarr" from HACS
- Restart Home Assistant
Download the latest before hacs (can break)
Copy all contents from
Restart Home Assistant
Add one or more of the following sensors to your configuration.yaml, sensors
Customizable Filters: Control content discovery with granular options
** have multiple instances for sonarr and radarr (2 each)
- platform: mediarr
url: localhost
api_key: your_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
tmdb_api_key: "your_tmdb_api_key"
trending: true # Optional
discover: true # Optional
popular_movies: false # Optional, recommended to use tmdb for popular
popular_tv: false # Optional, recommended to use tmdb for popular
plex: # Optional
url: Plex url
token: your_token
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
tmdb_api_key: "your_tmdb_api_key"
language: en #default
jellyfin: # Optional
url: jellyfin url
token: your_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
tmdb_api_key: "your_tmdb_api_key"
language: en #default
sonarr: # Optional
url: http://localhost:8989
api_key: your_sonarr_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
days_to_check: 60 #example
sonarr2: # Optional
url: http://localhost:8989
api_key: your_sonarr_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
days_to_check: 60 #example
radarr: # Optional
url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: your_radarr_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
days_to_check: 60 #breaking change
radarr2: # Optional
url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: your_radarr_api_key
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
days_to_check: 60 #breaking change
trakt: # Optional
client_id: "your_client_id"
client_secret: "your_client_secret"
tmdb_api_key: "your_tmdb_api_key" # Required for posters
trending_type: both # Options: movies, shows, both
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can chosse a different amount in card
tmdb: # Optional
tmdb_api_key: "!secret tmdb_api_key" #may need quotes
trending_type: all # Options: movie, tv, all
max_items: 45 #example how many items you want in sensor, you can choose a different amount in card
trending: true # Default endpoint
now_playing: true # Optional
upcoming: true # Optional
on_air: true # Optional
airing_today: false # Optional
popular_movies: true
popular_tv: true
min_year: 2020 # Only show content from 2020 onwards
exclude_talk_shows: true
exclude_genres: [10763, 10764, 10767]
max_items: Number of items to display (default: 45)
days_to_check: Days to look ahead for upcoming content (Sonarr only, default: 90)
trending_type: Content type to display for Trakt and TMDB
Available Filters
hide_existing: Toggle library content filtering (default: true)
min_year: Minimum release year for content
exclude_talk_shows: Remove talk shows and similar content
exclude_non_english: Show only English content
exclude_genres: List of genre IDs to filter out
Common Genre IDs to Exclude
10763: News 10764: Reality 10767: Talk Shows 35: Comedy (if you want to filter out comedy) 99: Documentary (if you prefer scripted content)
Step 3: if you want a front-end, install Mediarr-card from
Add the Card
- Get your Plex token from your Plex account settings
- More details at Plex Support
- Go to Settings -> General
- Copy your API key
- Create an application at Trakt API
- Get your client ID and secret
- Create an account at TMDB
- Request an API key from your account settings
- Go to Settings -> General
- Copy your API key
Vansmak aka Vanhacked FNXPT