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A revamped React application for image searching using the Pixabay API. The code has been refactored with React hooks.

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React Image Search Application

The React Image Search Application is a client-side, single-page application built using the React library. The primary objective is to facilitate image search functionality by interfacing with the Pixabay API, fetching high-quality images based on user-provided keywords.



  • Image Search: Find images by entering keywords in the search bar.

  • Pagination: Explore multiple pages of search results, each page showcasing 12 images.

  • Easy-to-Use Interface: The application features a user-friendly search bar for effortless keyword input.

  • Dynamic Image Gallery: Enjoy a visually appealing gallery that dynamically displays a variety of images.

  • Load More: Click the "Load More" button to reveal additional images and enhance your browsing experience.

  • Loading Spinner: A loading spinner ensures a smooth experience while images are being loaded.

  • Modal Display: Click on any image in the gallery to view a larger version in a modal window.


  1. Access the Application:

    • Visit the live application here.
  2. Explore Images:

    • Enter keywords in the search bar related to the images you're looking for.
  3. Navigate Through Results:

    • Browse through multiple pages of images by using the pagination controls.
  4. View Larger Images:

    • Click on any image in the gallery to view a larger version in a modal window.
  5. Load More Images:

    • If you want to see more images, simply click the "Load More" button.


Project Structure

The project is organized in a clear and modular structure to enhance readability and maintainability. Below is an overview of the main components and their responsibilities:

  • src Folder: Contains the source code for the React application.

    • components Subfolder: Holds individual React components that contribute to the application's functionality and appearance.

      • Searchbar Component:

        • Responsible for creating a user-friendly search interface.
        • Accepts the onSubmit prop, a function to handle form submissions.
        • DOM structure includes a header with a form, search input, and a "Search" button.
      • ImageGallery Component:

        • Renders a list of image cards, creating a dynamic gallery.
        • Utilizes the <ImageGalleryItem> component to represent each image within the gallery.
      • ImageGalleryItem Component:

        • Represents an individual list item with an image.
        • DOM structure includes a list item (<li>) with an image (<img>).
      • Button Component:

        • Handles the "Load More" functionality.
        • Renders the button to load additional images.
        • Only displayed when there are loaded images.
      • Loader Component:

        • Displays a spinner while images are being loaded.
        • Utilizes a ready-made component, such as react-loader-spinner, to enhance user experience.
      • Modal Component:

        • Activated when a gallery item is clicked, displaying a larger version of the image.
        • Features a dark overlay and allows users to close the modal window.
    • App.js File:

      • The main application component where other components are assembled.
      • Manages state, handles API calls, and orchestrates the interaction between components.
    • api.js File:

      • Handles interactions with the Pixabay API.
      • Constructs and sends HTTP requests to fetch images based on user input.
  • public Folder: Contains static assets and the HTML file.


A revamped React application for image searching using the Pixabay API. The code has been refactored with React hooks.




