Welcome To VoxBot
Developer - Vaerys Dawn ('Dawn Felstar #1235' on discord)
>Hello (Aliases: Hi, Greeting, Hai, Hoi)
Says Hello
#any @everyone
Sets the current Channel as the Server's 'General' Channel
#any @admin
Sets the current Channel as the Server's 'Role Select' Channel
#any @admin
Lists all of the Commands VoxBot can run
#any @everyone
Gives information about a specific command
Usage: >Info [Command]
#any @everyone
Lists the Available roles that you can choose from
#roleselect @everyone
Adds role to selectable roles
Usage: >AddRole [Role name]
#roleselect @moderator @admin
Removes the role from the selectable roles
Usage: >AddRole [Role name]
#roleselect @moderator @admin
>Role (Aliases: Iam)
Gives you a role.
Usage: >Role [Role name]
#roleselect @everyone
>NewCC (Aliases: CCNew)
Creates a custom command
Usage: >NewCC [CommandName] [Message]
#any @everyone
>DelCC (Aliases: CCDel)
Removes the Command
Usage: >DelCC [CommandName]
#any @commandcreator @moderator @admin
>CCList (Aliases: ListCCs)
Lists the Server's Custom Commands
#any @everyone
Lists all of the tags available to use in a custom command
#any @everyone
Shuts down the bot;
#any @botcreator