You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 8
Configurations = DSpace assumes the code will be changed and provides support for the change
Customizations = DSpace does not assume the code will be changed
Also see documentation of customizations in VTechWorks_DSpace 3 and 4 in the Redmine wiki, https://redmine.lib.vt.edu/projects/vtechworks-projects/wiki.
- /dspace.cfg (Configuration differences between 5.x and 4.x. Differences: assetstore, media filter and format filter, XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk, DSpaceAIPDisseminator, DSpaceMETSDisseminator, DSpaceAIPIngester, DSpaceMETSIngester, "event.dispatcher.default.consumers", doi, rdf, authority consumer, ORCID authority control, Mirage2 theme, "xmlui.bundle.upload", "xmlui.google.analytics.key", "request.item.helpdesk.override")
- /input-forms.xml (Hints for metadata fields input slightly different. Differences: "dc.contributor.author", "dc.title.alternative", "dc.date.issued", "dc.identifier", "dc.language.iso", "dc.subject", "dc.description.abstract", "dc.description.sponsorship")
- /launcher.xml (5.x version add new commands: "database", "index-authority", "rdfizer", "solr-export-statistics", "solr-import-statistics", "solr-reindex-statistics", "validate-date"; 5.x version removed commands: "test-database", "setup-database", "clean-database")
- /news-xmlui.xml (Content of DIV - "file.news.div.news" is different between 5.x and 4.x version)
- /xmlui.xconf (5.x version used "Atmire Mirage2 Theme" theme)
######[Diff] #######(Slight differences. 5.x version used "VTechWorks" while 4.x version used "DSpace")
- /bte_batch_import_error
- /bte_batch_import_success
- /doi_maintenance_error
- /internal_error
#######(Content differences between 5.x and 4.x) 5. /change_password 6. /export_error 7. /export_success 8. /register 9. /submit_archive 10. /submit_reject 11. /submit_task 12. /subscription 13. /suggest
- /oai/metadataFormats/junii2.xsl (5.x version: new added file. Specifies values for metadata field)
- /oai/XOAIConfiguration.xsd (5.x version: new added file)
- /DIM2EZID.xsl (5.x version: new added file. Converts metadata from DSpace Intermediat Format (DIM) into metadata following the DataCite Schema for the Publication and Citation of Research Data)
- /oai/metadataFormats/mets.xsl (Slight changes in values of metadata fields "dc.contributor" and "dc.date.available")
- /oai/xoai.xml (5.x version: lacked Driver filters, OpenAIRE filter, oai LOCKSS format. Added junii2 format)
- /google-metadata.properties (5.x version: modified "google.citation_authors" to "google.citation_author")
- /xhtml-head-item.properties (5.x version: schema declaration modification, corrected the declaration of "dc.rights" to "DC.rights", while 4.x version is "DC.relation")
- /oai/metadataFormats/oai_lockss.xsl (5.x version: lacked oai lockss)
- /rdf (5.x version: new added folder. Metadata rdf mapping)
- /rdf.cfg (5.x version: new added file. Config SPARQL endpoint, RDF conversion, etc.)
- /altmetrics.cfg (5.x version: new added file. Impact metrics display configurations)
- /authentication-cas.cfg (5.x version: new added file. CAS anthentication configurations)
- /disseminate-citation.cfg (5.x verion: new added file. Citation relevant configuration, but this configuration is not enabled yet)
- /google-analytics.cfg (5.x version: new added file. Used to config google statistics)
- /solrauthority.cfg (5.x version: new added file. Solr authority configuration, but this configuration is not enabled yet)
- /authentication-ip.cfg (5.x version add a bunch of IPs compared to 4.x version)
- /authentication-shibboleth.cfg (5.x version corrected "sword.compatability" to "sword.compatibility")
- /bulkedit.cfg (Bulk metadata editor settings differences. "gui-item-limit" - a hard limit of the number of items allowed to be edited in one go in the UI is different, 5.x version is "1000" while 4.x version is "200")
- /usage-statistics.cfg (Configuration differences for "authorization.admin.usage": 5.x version is "true" while 4.x version is "false")
- /eperson-types.xml (5.x version: new added file. Added eperson metadata)
- /dublin-core-types.xml (Initial contents for Dublin Core type registry configuration: 5.x version added "dc.provenance" and "dc.rights")
- /agents/example (5.x version: example spider filter changed)
- /api/item-marking.xml (5.x version: new added file. Configuration of how to marke items)
- /api/orcid-authority-services.xml (5.x version: ORCID authority control configurations)
- /api/discovery.xml (Significant differences between 5.x version and 4.x version, configurations for discovery: 5.x versions lacked lots of search filters)
- /api/discovery-solr.xml (5.x version added "MultiFormatDateParser" in this configuration file)
- /api/identifier-service.xml (EZID properties are differerent between 5.x and 4.x version)
- /aspects/Administrative (5.x version new added functionality: batch import)
- /aspects/ViewArtifacts/sitemap.xmap (5.x version new added functionality: item request and response)
- /dri2xhtml-alt/core/forms.xsl (5.x version: added conditions when to show Author-Lookup button in the form)
- Configuration - allow more simultaneous database connections
- Configuration - metadata registry changes (should stay in place with upgrade)
- Configuration - filetype registry changes (should stay in place with upgrade)
- Some customizations/configurations for LOCKSS/MetaArchive operation
- OAI configuration
- LOCKSS manifest file
- PDF Thumbnail filter (a better filter is included with DSpace 5; may require ITS support to install)
- theme/configuration - display collection counts in theme
- configuration - enable item level versioning
- Emails - customized email text
- configuration - change most appearances of “DSpace” to “VTechWorks”
- Configuration - creative commons licenses
- IP Authentication configuration for campus users, including the VPN address range
- Configuration - send locked item request to Gail McMillan
- Configuration - customized discovery search
- Edit email texts in /config/email
- Remove Authors and Subjects facets from front page
- Add extra filters for Advanced Search