We're making a platform that clarifies the need to make learning hard sciences like math more interactive and visual for students.
The solution we propose is a platform that uses augmented reality (AR) technology to allow students to scan real-life objects using their mobile device's camera, separate the object into individual shapes, and access our website to add their photos to the drawing editor where they can get information about them. This allows students to better understand and visualize complex concepts and theories in a more interactive and engaging way.
To install our project on your machine you just need to clone it. This can be done by following these steps!
Pasting this line of code in your favourite Terminal:
git clone https://github.com/VTIvanov20/Vectra.git
You have successfully cloned the repository! 🥳
- You can paste this link in your URL bar of your preferred browser:
- From the cloned project, go to the web folder and run it with the commands:
npm install npm run dev
You have successfully accessed our website! 👏👏👏
If you are having any difficulties with the installation or set up, just let us know in the Discussion tab! 💬
- Run backend and db containers
docker-compose up -d
- Install frontend dependencies
make dev-install
- Run frontend
make dev