Database Systems Lab ###Aim: To study Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands.
Consider the following schema:
Table Name: Employee
Attribute | Data Type |
First Name | VARCHAR2(15) |
Mid Name | CHAR(2) |
Last Name | VARCHAR2(15) |
SSN Number | CHAR(9) |
Birthday | DATE |
Address | VARCHAR2(50) |
Sex | CHAR(1) |
Salary | NUMBER (7) |
Supervisor SSN | CHAR(9) |
Department Number | NUMBER (5) |
Table Name: Department
Attribute | Data Type |
Department | Name Varchar2(15) |
Department | Number Number(5) |
ManagerSSN | CHAR(9) |
ManageStartDate | DATE |
Table Name: Project
Attribute | Data Type |
Project Name | VARCHAR2(15) |
Project Number | NUMBER(5) |
Project Location | VARCHAR2(15) |
Department Number | NUMBER(5) |
Table name: Employee
FName | Middle name | LName | SSN | BDate | Address | Sex | Salary | SuperSSN | DepNo |
Doug | E | Gilbert | 554433221 | 09-JUN-60 | 11 S 59 E, Salt Lake City, UT | M | 80000 | NULL | 3 |
Frankin | T | Wong | 333445555 | 08-DEC-45 | 638 Voss, Houston, TX | M | 40000 | 554433221 | 5 |
Jennifer | S | Wallace | 987654321 | 20-JUN-31 | 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX | F | 43000 | 554433221 | 4 |
Johny | B | Smith | 123456789 | 09-JAN-55 | 731 Fondren, Houston, TX | M | 30000 | 333445555 | 5 |
Ramesh | K | Narayan | 666884444 | 15-SEP-52 | 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX | M | 38000 | 333445555 | 5 |
Joyce | A | English | 453453453 | 31-JUL-62 | 5631 Rice, Houston, TX | F | 25000 | 333445555 | 5 |
James | E | Borg | 888665555 | 10-NOV-27 | 450 Stone, Houston, TX | M | 55000 | 543216789 | 1 |
Alicia | J | Zelaya | 999887777 | 19-JUL-58 | 3321 Castle, Spring, TX | F | 25000 | 987654321 | 4 |
Ahmad | V | Jabbar | 987987987 | 29-MAR-59 | 980, Dallas, Houston, TX | M | 25000 | 987654321 | 4 |
Joyce | NULL | PAN | 543216789 | 07-FEB-78 | 35 S 18 E, Salt Lake City, UT | F | 70000 | NULL | 2 |
Data for Department:
DName | DepNo | MgrSSN | MgrStartDate |
Manufacture | 1 | 888665555 | 19-JUN-71 |
Administration | 2 | 543216789 | 04-JAN-99 |
Headquarter | 3 | 554433221 | 22-SEP-55 |
Finance | 4 | 987654321 | 01-JAN-85 |
Research | 5 | 333445555 | 22-MAY-78 |
Data for Project:
PName | PNumber | Plocation | DepNo |
ProjectA | 3388 | Houston | 1 |
ProjectB | 1945 | Salt Lake City | 3 |
ProjectC | 6688 | Houston | 5 |
ProjectD | 2423 | Bellaire | 4 |
ProjectE | 7745 | Sugarland | 5 |
ProjectF | 1566 | Salt Lake City | 3 |
ProjectG | 1234 | New York | 2 |
ProjectH | 3467 | Stafford | 4 |
ProjectI | 4345 | Chicago | 1 |
ProjectJ | 2212 | San Francisco | 2 |
Exercise-I: (outcome: b,i, c and k)
- Insert the data given above in employee, department and project tables. –b,i
- Retrieve all the employees’ information for a particular department number - k
- Get Employee name along with his SSN and Supervisor SSN. - k
- Retrieve the employee names whose bdate is ’29-MAR-1959’. - k
- Get salaries of the employees without duplications. - k
- Retrieve the MgrSSN, MgrStartDate of the manager of ‘Research’ department. - k
- Change the department number of an employee having fname as ‘Joyce’ to 3 – b,i
- Alter Table department add column ContactNo of NUMBER data type and insert values into this column only. – b,i
- Change table department by modifying the size of field ContactNo. – b,i
- Modify the field name ContactNo of departments table to MobileNo. – b,i
- Change name of Table Department to DEPT. - c
- Alter Table department by removing column MobileNo. – b,i
- Create a table COPYOFDEPT as a copy of the table DEPT. - c
- Remove the rows from COPYOF DEPT table with department number as 5. – b,i
- Remove COPYOF DEPT table. - c
##Exercise 2
//Table for Employee:
Attribute | Data Type | Constraint |
First Name | Varchar (15) | Not Null |
Mid Name | Char(2) | |
Last Name | Varchar (15) | Not Null |
SSN Number | Char (9) | Primary Key |
Birthday | Date | |
Address | Varchar (50) | |
Sex | Char(1) | Sex In (M,F,m,f) |
Salary | Number (7) | Default 800 |
Supervisor SSN | Char (9) | Foreign Key Employee (SSN) on delete set null |
Department number | Number(5) | Foreign key to department number of department table on delete cascade |
//Table for Department
Attribute | Data type | Constraint |
Department Name | Varchar(15) | Not Null |
Department number | Number(5) | Primary key |
Manager SSN | Char (9) | Foreign key-Employee (SSN) on delete set null |
Manage start date | Date |
Table Name : Dept_locations
Attribute | Data type | Constraint |
Department Number | Number(5) | Department (dep no) on delete cascade |
Department Location | Varchar (15) |
Table Name: Project
Attribute | Data type | Constraint |
Project Name | Varchar2(15) | Not Null |
Project number | Number(5) | Primary key |
Project Location | Varchar2(50) | |
Department Number | Number(5) | Foreign Key –Department (depno ) on delete set null |
Table Name: Works_On
###The combination of Employee SSN and Project Number must be a Primary Key
Attribute | Data type | Constraint |
Employee SSN | Char (9) | Foreign Key Employee (SSN) on delete cascade |
Project number | INT(5) | Foreign Key project ( Pnumber ) on delete cascade |
Hours | Decimal (3,1) | Not null |
Name: Dependent
###The combination of Employee SSN and Dependent Name must be a Primary Key.
Attribute | Datatype | Constraint |
Employee | Char (9) | Foreign Key- Employee (SSN) on delete cascade |
Dependent Name | Varchar(15) | |
Sex | Char(1) | Check Sex in (M,F,m,f) |
Birthday | Date | |
Relationship | Varchar(8) |
Data for table - Dept_Locations
Dep No | D Location |
1 | Houston |
1 | Chicago |
2 | New York |
2 | San Francisco |
3 | Salt Lake City |
4 | Stafford |
4 | Bellaire |
5 | Sugarland |
5 | Houston |
Data for Table - Works_On
ESSN | Pno | Hours |
123456789 | 3388 | 32.5 |
123456789 | 1945 | 7.5 |
666884444 | 3388 | 40.0 |
453453453 | 7745 | 20.0 |
453453453 | 2212 | 20.0 |
333445555 | 7745 | 10.0 |
333445555 | 6688 | 10.0 |
333445555 | 4345 | 35.0 |
333445555 | 2212 | 28.5 |
999887777 | 2212 | 11.5 |
543216789 | 2212 | 17.0 |
554433221 | 1945 | 21.5 |
Data for Table - Dependent
ESSN | Dependent_name | Sex | Bdate | Relationship |
333445555 | Alice | F | 05-Apr-76 | Daughter |
333445555 | Theodore | M | 25-Oct-73 | Son |
333445555 | Joy | F | 03-May-48 | Spouse |
987654321 | Abner | M | 29-Feb-32 | Spouse |
123456789 | Alice | F | 31-Dec-78 | Daughter |
123456789 | Elizabeth | F | 05-may-57 | Spouse |
Execute the following Queries on the Db to note the violations integrity constraints by any of the following operations
- Insert ('Robert', 'F', 'Scott', '987987987 ', '21-JUN-42', '2365 Newcastle Rd, Bellaire, TX', M, 58000, '888665555', 1 ) into EMPLOYEE.
- Insert ('Ramez', 'F', 'Scott', ' ', '21-JUN-42', '2365 Newcastle Rd, Bellaire, TX', M, 58000, '888665555', 1 ) into EMPLOYEE.
- Insert ( '677678989', null, '40.0' ) into WORKS_ON.
- Insert ( '453453453', 'John', M, '12-DEC-60', 'SPOUSE' ) into DEPENDENT
- Insert ( '343453453', 'Varun',’’, '12-DEC-60', 'SON' ) into DEPENDENT
- Delete WORKS_ON tuples with ESSN= '333445555'.
- Modify MGRSSN and MGRSTARTDATE of the DEPARTMENT tuple with DNUMBER=5 to '123456789' and '01-OCT-88', respectively.
Alter the tables to
- Enforce Foreign Keys using Alter command [if not done earlier].
- Remove foreign key defined on SuperSSN and enforce it again using Alter table command.
- Make name of Project as Unique and sex of employee as not null.
- Make salary of employee to accept real values.
Exercise: III (outcome: e)
Operators and Functions
Aim: To understand different operators and types of functions in SQL
Execute the following queries based on the schema specified in exercise 1
- Find the female employee names having salary greater than Rs.25000.
- Find the employee names whose salary falls in the range of 30000 and 70000.
- Find all the employees who have no supervisor.
- Display the bdate of all employees in the format ‘DDthMonthYYYY’.
- Get the employee names whose bdate not later than 1978.
- Retrieve the employee names whose first name start with ‘J’ and have 5 characters in total.
- Find the employee details whose middle initial is null.
- Get the male employee details whose address contains sub string ‘Houston’.
- Display the department names that ends with ‘e’.
- Display the names of all the employees having supervisor with any of the following SSN 554433221, 333445555.
- Display all the department names in upper case and lower case.
- Display the first four characters and last four characters of the department names using substring function.
- Display the substring of the address (starting from 5th position to 11 th position) of all employees.
- Display the Mgrstartdate on adding two months to it.
- Display the age of all the employees rounded to two digits.
- Find the last day and next day of the month in which each manager has joined.
- Print a substring ‘aman’ from the string ‘Ramana’.
- Replace the string ‘na’ from ‘Ramana’ by ‘sri’.
- Print the length of all the department names.
- Print the system date in the format 25 th May 2014.
- Display the date after 8 months from current date.
- Display the next occurrence of Friday in this month.23. Display the project location padded with **** on left side.
- Remove the word ‘Project’ from the project name and display it.
- Select the SSN of the employee whose dependent name is either Michael or Abner.
Exercise: IV (outcome: e)
Group Functions
- How many different departments are there in the ‘employee’ table
- For each department display the least and highest employee salaries along with department name.
- Print the number of projects on which each employee is working on.
- Retrieve total number of hours spent on projects by each employee.
- Count the number of employees over 30 age.
- Display the department name which contains more than 3 employees.
- Calculate the average salary of employees by department and age.
- Count the number of dependents for each employee.
- List out the employees based on their seniority.
- List out the employees who works in ‘manufacture’ department group by first name
Exercise: V (outcome: k )
Sub Query and View
Aim: to understand the concept of Sub queries and logical tables in oracle
- Display the employee who is getting highest salary in the department Research.
- Find the employees who earn the same salary as the minimum salary for each department.
- Retrieve the employees whose salary is greater than average salary of department 2.
- List out the employee that has got maximum number of dependents.
- Find out the project name having least number of employees working on it.
- Find minimum average salary for each department.
- Create a view to display the employee details who is working in either Finance or IT department.
- Create a logical table to store male employee details ranging salary between 20000 and 30000.
- Create a logical table to store employee number who works on maximum number of projects.
Exercise: VI (outcome: k)
Aim: To understand how to relate and access data from multiple tables.
###Consider the schema given in exercise 2, and execute the following queries
- Display the names of all employees in department 5 who work more than 10 hours per week on ProductX project.
- List the names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first name as themselves.
- Find the names of all the employees who are directly supervised by ‘Franklin Wong’.
- Retrieve the names of all who do not work on any project.
- Find the names and addresses of all employees who work on at least one project located in Houston but whose department has no location in Houston.
- Display the names of all managers who have no dependents.
- List the employee’s names and the department names if they happen to manage a department.
- For each department retrieve project number, and project name.
- For each project, list the project name and the total hours per week (by all employees) spent on that project.
- Get the names of the employees who have 2 or more dependents.Mini Project (Start after CAT-I) (outcome: m)
Choose a Mini Project and apply the data base concepts as given below.
- Draw ER Diagram
- ER-to -Relational Mapping
- Table Creation
- Establish the relationship between relevant tables
- Apply Normalization (if necessary)
- Create GUI
- Establish Connection between front end and back end as Oracle (Choose any front end tool like VB,VC++, .NET ,Java etc.,)
- Prepare Project Report
- Demonstration & Presentation(PPT)
Sample Projects:
- Library Management System
- Airline Reservation System
- Hospital Management System
- Proctor Management System
- Inventory Management System