Install Nextflow
curl https://get.nextflow.io | bash
Main parameters:
param | value type | description |
inputPath | path to file | TSV: sample ID,fastq URL or run ID, [second URL for paired reads] |
downloadMethod | "sra" / "local" | |
libraryLayout | "single" / "paired" | |
resultDir | path to dir | publish directory |
refdb | path pattern | bowtie2 -x parameter |
bowtie2Command | shell | Run bowtie2 |
alignmentStatsCommand | shell | samtools stats or other |
summarizeAlignmentsCommand | shell | path to marker_alignments optionally with filter arguments to use |
apiKey | string | ncbi ApiKey |
Optional parameters:
param | value type | description |
marker_to_taxon_path | path to file | summarize_marker_alignments --marker_to_taxon_path parameter |
nextflow run VEuPathDB/blastSimilarity -with-trace -c <config_file> -r main