mock / sample dataset xml; Component specific dataset projects will conform to the same format
- yarn / npm / ant
- WEBAPP_PROP_FILE file (file with one property for the webapp target directory) webappTargetDir=BLAH
- environment variables for GUS_HOME and PROJECT_HOME
- Internal Dependencies
- ApiCommonWorkflow (ClinEpiWorkflow and MicrobiomeWorkflow are required for those components)
- bld ExampleDatasets; generateFromDatasets ExampleDatasets
- Reflow commands (rf) to load datasets into GUS instance
rf list [ready|on_deck|running|failed|done] rf run [real|test] rf undo [test|real] <step name> rf reset test rf set [ready|kill|offline|online|stopafter|resume] <stepname_pattern> [undo]
- Datasets/lib/xml/datasets/
- Nested xml structure depends on workflow graph structure. For genomics projects, one file per organism and subdirectories for organism specific datasets.