Analyse beacons by geographical area
See for an example of the output
The program arguments used were Swindon 2022-02-21T00:00:00.000000000Z
and the test was run around 10:49:06 on the same date
This is the Chronological summary of sent Beacons extracted from the file linked above and shows over 40 beacons occured in the Swindon area before 9am. At least one hotspot beaconed three times in that period.
Time should be constrained by specifying one or two zulu time(s) in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.123456789Z
Specify a single time to imply data "after"
Specify a range of times by a pair of zulu times i.e., "after" and "before"
Times must always be the last parameters. Preceed times by...
specifing a city or area (known to Helium)
or define a circular area of known radius
lat=latitude long=longitude distance=metres (time (time))
or define a rectangle using south-west and north-east coordinates
swlat=50.56734 swlon=-1.58319 nelat=50.76640 nelon=-1.04253
or a Helium 'hex' identifier (typcally a hexagonal zone about 1km across )
a single hex identifier
or one or more three-word-addresses
three-word-address (further three-word-addresses)
java -jar Helium-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [parameters]
java -jar Helium-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 881958a095fffff
lat=51.52304 long=-0.17050 distance=3750 2022-01-25T11:00:00.000000000Z 2022-01-26T13:00:00.000000000Z
881958a717fffff 2022-01-31T08:00:00.000000000Z
Chronological summary of sent Beacons between 2022-01-31 08:00:00 and 2022-01-31 15:04:21
2022-01-31T09:03:35.122836736Z is the mean beacon time sent from stale-coral-beaver/Swindon witnessed by 1 on channel 3 (867.7)
2022-01-31T10:52:39.167652608Z is the mean beacon time sent from icy-pebble-capybara/Wroughton witnessed by 14 on channel 6 (868.3)
2022-01-31T10:53:54.043644672Z is the mean beacon time sent from refined-garnet-lion/Westlea witnessed by 1 on channel 4 (867.9)
2022-01-31T11:32:56.492972032Z is the mean beacon time sent from rapid-licorice-tadpole/Swindon witnessed by 1 on channel 5 (868.1)
2022-01-31T12:03:10.326817024Z is the mean beacon time sent from rural-zinc-crocodile/Swindon witnessed by 1 on channel 7 (868.5)
2022-01-31T12:43:06.673033472Z is the mean beacon time sent from radiant-tin-goblin/Freshbrook witnessed by 1 on channel 7 (868.5)
2022-01-31T12:43:53.230298368Z is the mean beacon time sent from helpful-iris-moth/Swindon witnessed by 1 on channel 3 (867.7)
2022-01-31T13:24:15.640197120Z is the mean beacon time sent from dancing-grape-toad/Swindon witnessed by 1 on channel 1 (867.3)
If the jar runs to completion it will display created in the current directory
This property file acts as a cache to speed up execution on subsequent invocations