◦ 🔭 I’m currently working on finishing up a coding bootcamp for web developemt at BloomTech.
◦ 🌱 I’m currently learning to enhance my skills in Full-stack Web Development on both front-end and backend web development then I would like to get into AI.
◦ 💬 Ask me about: Before I was recently a merchant mariner with MSC (Military Sealift Command). Unfortunately the pandemic made being on ships and away from home a lot harder to deal with, so I started looking into the Tech industry and tried a CS50 course through Harvardex. I liked it and wanted to learn more which led me to BloomTech, I saw the reviews and decided to enroll and start my jouney to becoming a software engineer. I should be finished with schooling in early October of 2024 and ready to put what I've learned to good use to any where that will have me.
◦ 📫 How to reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertaldixon/ or by email at [email protected]
◦ ⚡ Fun fact about me: Being a Merchant Mariner for 10 years allowed me to travel and visit about 30 different countries throughout Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. My favorite countries so far being Japan and Thailand.