Welcome to the Blueprint Internal Tools Website repository!
The Blueprint Internal Tools Website serves as a consolidated source of information for all things Blueprint. The site contants multiple static pages built using the Hugo static site generator.
Follow these steps to set up and contribute to the project:
To build and run the website locally, you'll need to install Hugo. Visit the official Hugo installation guide for platform-specific instructions.
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-folder>
# from main
git switch -c 123-your-branch
NOTE: Make sure to append the ticket number from notion to the start of the branch name.
Run the following command to start a local server to see changes during development:
hugo server
Save completed work by creating organized commits, this is done via the following command:
git add <file-path>
git commit -m "summary message"
TIP: Use the commit message emoji guide, Gitmoji, to provide reviewers with visual context in commit messages (for example, ":recycle: refactored navbar").
git push
... to sync your branch to GitHub. If this is your first push on a fresh branch you will need to run the command that git suggests after running the previous command, it should look something like this:
git push --set-upstream origin 123-your-branch
Once your changes are committed and pushed to GitHub, request a Code Review from two authorized team members. This is done by navigating to GitHub directly after pushing the branch and clicking Compare & pull request at the top of the page.
Once a pull request is created, add a detailed description of the changes made, click assign yourself under Assignees, and select two reviewers from the team under Reviewers. If you are unsure of who to assign, please post a question in the Discord channel.
NOTE: A pull request may be denied if there is a missing/unacceptable description. Please provide the reviewer with some context.