This project is an Internet2 Grouper connector (full sync and changelog consumer) that synchronizes Grouper groups and users to Microsoft Azure Active Directory/Office 365.
Note that this currently only supports security groups. Support for other group types is planned.
./gradlew clean distZip
copy contents of file to grouper home
unzip build/distributions/ -d /tmp cp /tmp/office-365-azure-ad-grouper-provisioner-1.0.0/*.jar /opt/grouper.apiBinary-2.3.0/lib/custom
Set up stem for provisioning and ID attribute
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); AttributeDef provisioningMarkerAttributeDef = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignName("etc:attribute:office365:o365SyncDef").assignToStem(true).assignToGroup(true).save(); AttributeDefName provisioningMarkerAttributeName = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, provisioningMarkerAttributeDef).assignName("etc:attribute:office365:o365Sync").save(); rootStem = addStem("", "test", "test"); rootStem.getAttributeDelegate().assignAttribute(provisioningMarkerAttributeName); AttributeDef o365Id = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignName("etc:attribute:office365:o365IdDef").assignToGroup(true).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string).save(); AttributeDefName o365IdName = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, o365Id).assignName("etc:attribute:office365:o365Id").save();
Configure loader job in
. Note that you will need to set up an application with access to your domain. See documentation at [].changeLog.consumer.o365.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.consumer.Office365ChangeLogConsumer # fire every 5 seconds changeLog.consumer.o365.quartzCron = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * ? changeLog.consumer.o365.syncAttributeName = etc:attribute:office365:o365Sync changeLog.consumer.o365.retryOnError = true changeLog.consumer.o365.clientId = @o365.clientId@ changeLog.consumer.o365.clientSecret = @o365.clientSecret@
with appropriate values from the application configuration.
Login to the app management console:
For first time use, create Office 365 account first:
- Enroll in Office 365 (30-day trail account is fine), during enrollment, note the tenant value of the form ""
- At Office 365 management portal, click "Azure AD" link
- In Azure AD portal, click "Azure Activity Directory"
- Under "Manage" tab, click "App registrations"
- In intro text "To view and manage your registrations for converged applications, please visit the Microsoft Application Console.", click that link
Once in the App Mgmt Console, create an app:
- Note the "Application Id" that is generated (this will be the client id for OAuth2 tokens)
- Use "Generate New Password" when creating keys (this is the client secret for OAuth2 tokens)
- Under "Platforms" tab, click "Add Platform" and specify a redirect URL like "http://localhost/grouper"
- Under "Microsoft Graph Permissions", in "Application Permissions" specify required Graph API permissions
- At bottom of page, click "Save"
- IMPORTANT: after permissions are added (or modified) admin consent must be granted at the URL template:$TENANT/adminconsent?client_id=$APPLICATION_ID
To get a token for making Graph API calls, do the following:
- POST http method
- URL is of the form$TENANT/oauth2/v2.0/token
Use the following request parameters:
- client_secret - specify password generated from "Generate New Password" above
- client_id - specify Application Id that's generated when creating app
- grant_type - specify client_credentials, this value implies "Application Permissions" (as opposed to "Delegated Permissions")
- redirect_uri - specify http://localhost/grouper
- scope - specify