Loader That assists with registering shortcodes to a WordPress website.
composer require underpin/shortcode-loader
This plugin uses a built-in autoloader, so as long as it is required before Underpin, it should work as-expected.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/underpin-shortcodes/shortcodes.php');
- Install Underpin. See Underpin Docs
- Register new shortcodes menus as-needed.
A very basic example could look something like this.
// Register shortcode
underpin()->shortcodes()->add( 'shortcode-key', [
'shortcode' => 'custom-shortcode', // Required. Shortcode name.
'defaults' => [ 'foo' => 'bar' ], // Default atts. See shortcode_atts
'shortcode_actions_callback' => function ( $parsed_atts ) { // Required. Shortcode action.
return $parsed_atts['key']; // 'value'
] );
// Shortcode output examples
do_shortcode( '[custom-shortcode foo="baz"]' ); // baz
do_shortcode( '[custom-shortcode]' ); // bar
Alternatively, you can extend Shortcode
and reference the extended class directly, like so: