Releases: Underpin-WP/logger-loader
Releases · Underpin-WP/logger-loader
Release 2.1.0 - Nov 21, 2021
This implements support for Underpin 2.0.0
Release 2.0.0 - August 5, 2021
This update introduces several things to make the logger loader more extend-able
Introduces middleware to the logger registry. This provides a way to extend the logger without needing several different hooks to modify the behavior
Upgrades event types to support multiple log writers
This also updates the default logger to use PHP's built-in logging instead of a custom-made log. This is a lot more stable than other options and is more-secure since these log files are typically locked down by hosts.
This update removed several filters, and instead expects you to extend using the middleware API. Review the updated code here to see how you can now extend this.
Release 1.1.0 - June 21st, 2021
Replace filter call with find call. #1 (#2) (#3)