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Lua plugins

barbeque-squared edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 1 revision

USDX supports plugins written in lua. These must be placed with a .usdx extension in the plugins directory.

They're mostly used in Party Mode, but they can be used outside of Party Mode like so:

-- minimum time between runs in milliseconds
local Delay = 1000

local LastDraw = 0

function plugin_init()
  register('Dummy plugin', '1.00', 'PluginAuthor')
  hDraw = Usdx.Hook('Display.Draw', 'MyEveryFrameFunction')
  return true

function MyEveryFrameFunction()
  -- whatever you put in here runs every frame, hence the limiter
  local Now = Usdx.Time()
  if LastDraw + Delay > Now then

  -- whatever you put between here and the end of the function runs _close enough_ to once a second

  LastDraw = Now

Available globals inside plugins:

  • current_filename: absolute path to the plugin file
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