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"Hello World" Data Arena + Unreal Engine

Our template project to help you develop for the DA

Welcome to our Hello World project. This Unreal Engine project is designed as a template to help you develop for the UTS Data Arena. For most purposes, running Unreal Engine projects in the Data Arena is plug-and-play without any specific build requirements besides version.

👉 We have locked off support for Unreal Engine 4.25 projects (as of July 2021). We are currently working on more recent versions of the engine but for now require projects built in 4.25.4 or older.

In this simple project, you're able to navigate a SpaceMouseCamera Camera Actor and highlight, pickup, move and drop objects with the TrackerCursor class. This project and the DA Assets plugin (see below) were developed from technologies developed for our Unreal Engine debut Cozy Living Room project.

🔌 DA Assets Plugin

This project includes our DA Assets plugin to let you easily interface with our input devices at the Data Arena. For more information and to start developing, take a look at our plugin documentation (link above).

⚡️ Setup and Run

To run our Hello World project, download this repo by either clicking CodeDownload ZIP (above) or cloning this repository if you're familiar with Git, and open the DA_HelloWorld.uproject file in Unreal Engine 4.25.4 or earlier. You should be able to run this project on either Windows, macOS or Linux.

The included SpaceMouseCamera and TrackerCursor classes include a Use VRPN Input switch (accessible in the details panel). Leave this disabled (off) as you develop outside the Data Arena environment. For more information on this option, see our DA Assets documentation.

✉️ Get in touch

For more information take a look at the UTS Data Arena website and get it touch with us about your first Data Arena project. We'd love to hear about what you've got planned with Unreal Engine and how we can help make it happen.


Data Arena Example Project






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