docker-compose up -d
We assume that the test_message_generator is deployed with MICO, therefore it is running in namespace mico-workspace
Get logs:
kubectl -n mico-workspace logs -f $(kubectl get pods -n mico-workspace -l ust.mico/name=test-message-generator --output=jsonpath={})
Get environment variables:
kubectl -n mico-workspace exec -it $(kubectl get pods -n mico-workspace -l ust.mico/name=test-message-generator --output=jsonpath={}) env
kubectl -n mico-workspace delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n mico-workspace -l ust.mico/name=test-message-generator --output=jsonpath={})
Manually change the deployment image:
kubectl set image deployment/$(kubectl get deployments -n mico-workspace -l ust.mico/name=test-message-generator --output=jsonpath={}) test-message-generator=ustmico/message-generator:local -n mico-workspace
Variable | Implementation Strategy | default |
LOG_FILE_PATH | Path to the file, in which the logs are stored | <workdir>/test_message_generator.log</workdir> |
LOG_FORMAT | The format of the logs. Format variables are described here | %(asctime)-15s %(message)s |
LOG_LEVEL | The log level. Supported values (INFO, DEBUG) | INFO |
MESSAGE_SOURCE | The value that is used in every message for the CloudEvent field 'source' | test_message_generator_ + <random uuid> |
MESSAGE_SEND_INTERVAL | The number of seconds between each message | 5 |
KAFKA_TOPIC_OUTPUT | The topic, to which each message is published | test-message-generator |
KAFKA_TOPIC_OUTPUT_REPLICATION_FACTOR | The replication factor of the target topic. Only applied, when the message generator has to create the topic manually | 1 |
KAFKA_TOPIC_OUTPUT_NUM_PARTITIONS | The number of partitions of the target topic. Only applied, when the message generator has to create the topic manually | 1 |
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS | The domain and port of the Kafka broker | localhost:9092 |