TypeScript/JavaScript client for URLR, the GDPR-compliant all-in-one platform for link shortening.
This SDK is automatically generated with the OpenAPI Generator project.
- API version: 1.4
- Package version: 2.5.1
- Build package: urlr-js
For more information, please visit https://urlr.me/en
This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes Fetch API. The generated Node module can be used in the following environments:
- Node.js
- Webpack
- Browserify
Language level
- ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
- ES6
Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript.
To build and compile the TypeScript sources to JavaScript use:
npm install
npm run build
Navigate to the folder of your project and run one of the following commands:
npm install [email protected]
yarn install [email protected]
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
import { Configuration, AccessTokensApi, LinksApi } from "urlr-js"
// Access Tokens
const accessTokensApi = new AccessTokensApi();
accessTokensRequest: {
username: '',
password: ''
}).then(function (data) {
const configuration = new Configuration({ accessToken: data.token });
// Link shortening
const linksApi = new LinksApi(configuration);
createLinkRequest: {
url: '',
teamId: ''
}).then(function (data) {
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));
A complete example is available here.
All URIs are relative to https://urlr.me/api/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccessTokensApi | createAccessToken | POST /access_tokens/create | Get an access token |
AccessTokensApi | refreshAccessToken | POST /access_tokens/refresh | Refresh an access token |
FoldersApi | getFolders | GET /folders/{team_id} | Get folders of team |
LinksApi | createLink | POST /links/create | Create a link |
LinksApi | getLink | GET /links/{link_id} | Get a link |
QRCodesApi | createQrCode | POST /qrcodes/create | Create a QR Code |
StatisticsApi | getStatistics | POST /statistics | Get statistics of a link |
TeamsApi | getTeams | GET /teams | Get teams of user |
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
Please contact [email protected] and we can take more direct action toward finding a solution.