Each commit is automatically uploaded to UPBGE Web server by CI.
--- basic_files_exposed_in_this_git (including .htaccess
which is manually ported when necessary)
--- manual/index.html
(this is updated automatically when we commit in UPBGE-Docs git)
--- api/index.html
(I manually update content to this folder)
--- css
--- img
--- downloads/index.html
(lordloki manually updates the build releases)
------ Stable Releases
--------- Github (Linux64, MacOSX, Windows [32-bit, 64-bit])
--------- MEGA (Linux64, MacOSX, Windows [32-bit, 64-bit])
------ Older Releases
--------- Github (Linux64, MacOSX, Windows [32-bit, 64-bit])
--------- MEGA (Linux64, MacOSX, Windows [32-bit, 64-bit])
------ Alpha Builds
--------- MEGA (Linux64, MacOSX, Windows [32-bit, 64-bit])