- Setup
- Database setup
- Search using solr
- Composer
- Drush
- Code quality
- Theme setup
- Configuration and features
- Testing
- References
- Troubleshooting
Humanitarian Action (GHI) uses docksal which is a web-development environment based on docker.
Install docksal: https://docksal.io/installation
You will need to create a local environment file in the ./.docksal folder and adjust it to match your local requirements.
touch ./.docksal/docksal-local.env
Refer to ./.docksal/default.docksal-local.env for required environment variables.
Once the above steps are complete, from the project root, run:
fin init-site
This will install all required packages via composer and setup the local settings files.
For docksal to run, you will need to stop any other webserver or service on your system that might bind to port 80.
A database has been created automatically as part of the stack setup above.
Pull a database dump from here to get a fresh copy and seed your local database.
The integrated search feature is based on solr. The local docksal stack comes with a solr instance that is already setup in Drupal. On the first setup of the site (or when troubleshooting later), you need to create the solr core using this command.
fin solr create-core
Once that's done, go to the Search Api configuration backend page and confirm that the search server and the index are there and enabled. You can then start indexing content using this command:
fin solr index
Using docksal, you can run any composer command as fin composer {COMMAND}.
Drush commands can be run as fin drush {COMMAND}. Eg:
fin drush cr
Use PHP Codesniffer to assure code quality.
Code linting
fin exec vendor/bin/phpcs -p --report=full ./html/modules/custom --extensions=module/php,php/php,inc/php
Drupal best practices
fin exec vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,info,txt,md,yml ./html/modules/custom/
We have created a sub-theme common_design_subtheme from the OCHA provided base theme named common_design.
While working on style changes, update the .sass files under the sass folder. Once done with the changes, run the below commands:
cd html/themes/custom/common_design_subtheme/
nvm use
npm install
npm run sass:lint-fix
npm run sass:build
Download database snapshots from https://snapshots.aws.ahconu.org/ghi/ and place them in .docksal/backups
To import a snapshot and run all the steps that a deployment would run please use this command:
fin deploy -i
If you have multiple database snapshots available locally, running this command will let you select which one you want to import. Running this without the -i argument, will just run the deployment actions on the current database without importing a snapshot.
The data migrations can be run locally with this command:
fin update-data
PHPUnit tests for the custom modules can be run via docksal like this:
fin phpunit
The test configuration is in phpunit.xml.
The tests can be optionally filtered down very specifically, e.g.:
fin phpunit --filter testImportParagraphs
Testing against chromium browser via selenium grid should be setup and ready to use out of the box.
Local VNC to observe the browser actions in real time:
Access to the Selenium Grid UI:
Make sure to follow the OCHA Standards for Drupal 8+ Websites
If you run into this error when committing:
Error: Could not find "stylelint-config-standard". Do you need a `configBasedir`?
You need to install all Drupal packages by doing this from the project root:
fin exec "cd html/core && yarn"